SPH song for you tiny dicks

So I have had a silly song stuck in my head and the more I walked around singing it the more I thought what a funny song this would be I know how much you SPH lovers out there enjoy having women like me make fun of your tiny dicks. I mean after all that’s really...

Little penis club should you be a member

Are you a member of the little penis club? Do you have less than 4 inches rock hard? Do you understand that a little dick like yours could never satisfy a woman like me? I sure hope you understand that last one because I would hate to have to embarrass you ( okay I...

Small Penis apology to all women

So I was sharing some e-mails with my sissy cuckold about his tiny situation a couple weeks ago. He was talking about how sorry he was about his penis being so small. So we came up with an idea for him to write an apology. A small penis apology that is, to all the...

Submissive with a Small Penis

As many of you know, I do a weekly advice blog where I answer and give my thoughts to the questions sent in to me from all of you readers. Wel,l there seem to be a ton of submissive men with small dicks questions and if their small penis might make them more...