Happy Masturbation May Everyone! We are now into the 5th day of Masturbation May and I thought now is a perfect time to get all of you horny strokers edging and enjoying a bit of masturbation time during May!
Masturbation and edging
You are not new to the skill of masturbating in fact you are an expert! Oh but are you an expert at orgasm edging? Do you get that edging over and over can actually increase your pleasure, even though the road to that increased pleasure is paved with lots of hand humping and horny frustration! So for those of you who don’t know how or just have not mastered the skill of orgasm edging you need to work on it and work on it till you have it perfected.
Edging assignment
Soo here it goes every day this week May 6th through 10th you are to edge for me. Not just one time though I want you to edge 5 times a day every day. Now I said to edge not cum so be sure to hold it back. Edging till you are so close to cumming one more stroke will send you over……..then stop and wait till your dick is soft. Once you have gone totally flaccid you may begin to edge again…….repeating get to the edge…stop go fully limp….edge again. Note* you do not have to do all 5 edges in a row break them up if you like
How did you do
Now if you can make it till through 10th having done 5 edges a day every day you are now considered eligible for an orgasm……oh I can’t wait to see just how horny and desperate you will be for that orgasm? I bet you can find a suitable way to beg and plead for it that is if you are horny enough…I mean hey maybe 5 days of 5 edges a day wont make you desperate……….we shall see
Lucky subbies….but it is no longer my place….still i am happy for those who are worthy 🙂
I will beg my head feminzation Mistress ERIKA permission to this assignment thankyou sincerly yours beta bottom bitch tedi
So I’m a little confused my Queen about the assignment. I get the whole edge no cummies, but the other part is confusing. If I’m fantasizing about You using my face as a seat cushion, how am I suppose to go limp? Seems impossible to me, but I will keep trying I guess.