Timeline of Kink

So I thought since I have been so busy and I missed so much with so many it would be fun to share this I had my prissy princess make up for me. From the time we met and the many many changes that have occurred. A Timeline of kink so to speak!  I have to say having it...

Don’t be a selfish submissive…. Be Pussy Free

Nobody likes, and nobody wants to have, a ‘Selfish’ sexual partner, or submissive. Being an unselfish partner can mean many things, in many different types of relationships. In a vanilla relationship, it can be as simple as listening to your partner, being sensitive...

Submissive by nature

So lets discuss being submissive. I have found in all my years of being the one in charge that most men are truly submissive by nature. They have spent most if not all of their lives feeling the desire to serve and be submissive. Being submissive is in your DNA I...

10 ways to serve your Mistress

So in the format of the old Letterman top 10 lists I thought it would be a fun thing to do, but only for you all it is the top 10 ways to serve your Mistress. 10- comment on her blogs9- tweet her and share her tweets and follow her on twitter8- follow her on tumblr...

What do you get out of being submissive

So yes first let me say I am on for calls for a very short time this afternoon so for sure catch me while you can….now onto my thought that I want to know from those of you who are submissive what do you get you of it? I woke up with this in my head so what...