One year of Orgasm Denial!!!

Yes, you read that title right!  As of today GummyBear has now officially been denied for one solid year!  August 22, 2010 was the last time he came and I have enjoyed this orgasm denial roller coaster!!!! I am so very proud of him for making it this long and I look...

What is a Cock Tease?

What is a cock tease? I was sitting here thinking to myself about how many times I have been called a cock tease…..and just what a cock tease means to everyone so I asked a few friends online and even posted a poll. It seems most agree a cock tease is one who leads a...

103 days of orgasm denial and still counting

I am currently enjoying denying one of my subbies orgasms but this is not your usual short term denial this is a long term permanent  orgasm denial. He is at 103 days as of today since his last orgasm. WOW could you do it? Types of Denial 1} Tease and delay: this type...

Fun with a Stroker Boy

Last week I had the pleasure of driving one of my very favorite stroker boy / edge fanatics crazy all day long….so crazy that he found himself willing to do ANYTHING for me……and I used that to my advantage and pushed him just a bit further then he...