Happy Hump day everyone!!! Here are my answers and opinions to all those great kinky questions you all ask me. I am enjoying them so much and sharing my thoughts helps you all get to know me even better. If you would like to submit a question please feel free to use the Ask Ms Constance tab right here on my blog.

Dear Mistress:
Do you think cuckold men ask more questions because they don’t have a sex life?

No I think they ask because there is nobody to ask such things. I have cuckold experience both personal and business and it makes sense they ask me questions. I think as with many kinks you have no idea what is normal or not and no clue as to how to do things and nobody to ask questions and that is why you see so many here.

Dear Mistress:
Have you ever made love with a transgender? If not I recommend it, it’s great.

I have never made love to one but I have made out with one….I have a good friend who is transgender and not only is she sexy but she is an excellent kisser. I am not against having sex with a transgender in fact I might put that on my sexual bucket list. I have had sex with a man who was in women’s lingerie though which was super hot! I have no doubt at all that it is great!!!

Dear Mistress:
When receiving fellatio, sometimes we do not want a standard BJ, sometimes a man just wants to (Pardonnez l’expression) fuck her face. If he is lucky, sometimes she will oblige. In porn with cunnilingus, sometimes the woman just fucks a mans face. No woman has ever done that with me. Is that something porn just does for men, or do women want that too but are afraid it will hurt our pride if they ask or do it? As a man, I want that. But not if she doesn’t enjoy it.

As with all my answers to these questions I give you my opinions and my thoughts and this answer will be right on point with that. I have fucked many a man’s face with my pussy…but I am sexually uninhibited and feel free to do so. Most women are not as sexually confident or free about sex and some even have hang ups about oral sex. I think if you want a woman or your woman to do it you should suggest it. Most women won’t just hop on your face and ride it till you’re glazed on their own but with a little encouragement get ready to have that face fucked!

Dear Mistress:
I love for my balls to be tortured. I dream every night that you do all kinds of wonderful things to punish my balls. From kicking them to hanging weights off them to covering them in hot wax. Do you think i am going overboard with the desire to be punished?

Well sweetie I happen to enjoy some cbt play so I am all for all of the above…..BUT in moderation because sometimes when in the heat of the moment you want more you need more intense but you are too deep into it to realize you may be hurting yourself….so all things are great in moderation and if you are mine I won’t ever let you go over board.

masturbation control with Constance