Hi there everyone hope this post finds you well…this is just a quick update for those of you who like to reach out to me on yahoo before a session or after or to set one up.
Due to some asshats who insist on trying to include me into a conference call without asking or even saying hello first I am no longer going to allow people who are NOT on my yahoo list to send me IM’s this will be temporary to solve the issue with some very rude people /person
But don’t worry we can still set something up on yahoo and even chat on yahoo but in order for me to do that with you I need you to send me an e-mail constance@enchantrixempire.com with your yahoo user name so that I can add you to my list. After you are added you wont have to worry about it.
Please remember when chatting with me that if I don’t respond it is one of two things….I am on a call where my entire attention is on my client or I am away from my computer and I typically respond when done on the call or back at the computer…even if it is to say I have to run.
Thanks for understanding and please feel free to mail me if you need me on yahoo so I can add you
Hahaha Love that second paragraph “Due to some asshats…” hahaha. I can just hear your tone of voice. Made my day.
hey that’s what they are hahaha glad I made your day
Good afternoon mistress. Call me crazy but I would love for the annoyed look you have in your picture be directed to me. I must be one suck person to want to have you that annoyed at me lol. Have a great day.
hey crazy! heheh you told me to call you that……….and hehe me being annoyed makes you hot hmmmmmmmm