I am sure I have talked about this before on this blog but I thought today would be a great day to touch on the topic again. Many might think phone sex why? There are so many ways to get off on the internet why pay for phone sex.
You need more than porn
Sure you can stroke to porn and get off but you need more. Exploring and getting off with a Phone Sex Mistress give you a chance to interact and act out what you are discussing. Imagine hooking up with a woman on the phone who digs what you dig and truly enjoys your naughty side. There is nothing like interaction and fun play.
You need someone who “gets IT”
Some of you have been hiding your naughty side from those in your life because of fear of them thinking you are crazy or freaky. Well with phone sex you can discuss all those wild fantasies you have without fear of judgment or criticism. Think about it you connect with a woman and she is like fuck yes thats hot! She helps you guides you and gives you great advice as well as a hot sexy time.
You are masturbating NOT cheating
With phone sex no matter what your topic is you are simply masturbating with/for the woman on the other end of the phone. You are not out banging other chicks or guys. You are not putting your health at risk or the health of your partners having random sex with strangers or affairs that destroy lives. You are simply masturbating to the sounds, thoughts and images your phone sex partner is painting for you.
Cheaper than a hooker or Therapy
This is one I hear a bunch yes we charge a premium rate for our services BUT it is far cheaper than going to a prostitute or going to see a therapist. Having a great connection with your Phone Partner and discussing things as well as getting off to kinky things is far cheaper than the alternative. Sure you can have cheaper phone sex elsewhere but you will get what you pay for I promise you that. If you are looking for more and need a bit more than a moan or a groan you are in the right place.
Questions? Comments? Concerns?
Is there something you are curious about, concerned about when it comes to phone sex? Well just ask…you can ask me or any other lady here at LDW/Enchantrix and we will be happy to answer them for you. What is it that keeps you from making that call are your worried about billing? Privacy? Acceptance? Well worry no more just ask we are all happy to help make your next phone call the very best rewarding experience it can be.

You are so right! There is no one better at helping a subbie open up, discover their kinks and their true place sexually…..Thank you for being a true Goddess!
Yes, you definitely need more than porn. The funniest thing about letting someone in real life know that I provide fetish phone sex is when they react with, “Phone sex still exists?? But there’s so much free porn online.” … Sure there is, but it’s rarely *exactly* what pushes a kinkster’s very personal buttons. That only happens with the human, femdom touch!
Since LDW has a money-back guarantee, a first-time caller has nothing to lose by giving LDW a call to try out the service.
Ms Constance, very much enjoyed reading your post. You made so many great point about the advantages of phone sex over traditional porn. Not only do the guys get a thrill, but I believe they also learn how to treat a woman with more respect when they call LDW…the premiere phone sex service in the world.
I love you addressed this. So many people say that phone sex is outdated and it’s so much easier to look at free porn online. But there is no interaction there. Nothing to make your brain get turned on. That’s the beauty of phone sex, we can be anything they need and weave a fantasy that is more than visual and is special and unique to them.