It was brought to my attention this morning that I am not on one of the sites someone was looking on for me CFNM and it is not that I dont do those type of calls fuck I love cfnm calls. I simply just never put a profile up on it. So My question to all of my followers is which sites would YOU like to see me on.

I plan to work on getting profiles up on any sites I am not on that I enjoy doing. As many of you know I wont just put myself on every site for the sake of being on it. I will only write about and put a profile up on sites where I enjoy the topic.

This goes along with if you ask me to do a kink I am not into I wont do it…and not because I am a bitch, just because you are better off with a Mistress who not only enjoys it but really gets into that kink………after all you deserve nothing but the best phone sex experience possible even if it is not with me.

So feel free to browse all of our sites let me know where you DO NOT see me but wish I was on there and I will do my best to get a profile up before the end of January on those sites.

I hope you all have a Happy Safe and oh so Kinky New Year! I know I plan to continue getting back to the Kinky Constance you have all known and loved over the years!