I posted a picture of me on Tumblr if you are not following me there you really should!
I asked my followers there to come here to vote on what the picture I posted says to them or makes them feel or think …..choose from the following choices, or feel free to leave comments about the picture in the comments section of this blog post.
I may just turn your thoughts about this picture into a blog.
[polldaddy poll=8356712]
I voted “Other” but am leaving the comment here. When I see that picture, I envision you saying this: “You’re such a good pet, standing there hard, wordless, aching for this incredible body in this sexy black outfit. I know how much you want me and how you have done everything to show me but we both know that’s not going to happen. Still, I love how devoted you are to your mistress and how you do everything I ask. So I suppose I should give you a little treat by letting you amuse me. So stand there naked and hard just a little longer as I figure out how you’re going to entertain me today. Why am I putting my hair up? Why you know it’s time for me to start getting ready for my date.”
Yes, a picture of you is worth a thousand words. 🙂
ohh my bfla I like what you think that picture says VERY much hehehehe
They say a picture is worth a thousand words. While it’s true, I could write chapters….and probably have…about the myriad ways I adore you. It would also be a labor of love to scribble tomes on the subject of your Beauty and of how I’m thankful for you owning me…..Instead, when I reposted on my tumblr I simply wrote…My Goddess…Perfection!
awwwwwwww cuckie thank you and yes you have written many things about me and I dig it all thank you
I picture you saying, “You keep whining to me that you want domination and control, well, be careful what you wish for. I’m gonna show you what real domination and control is all about!”
that’s right jemmie and I am pulling my hair up to take care of showing you just how in control I am
wow Ms Constance totally gorgeous as usual, I think you would have a very good idea what I voted 😉
OMG shinyknob hey mate! I wonder did you vote for pulling my hair back to give a bj?
“Awww, dirty bitch, they’ll be here soon. We need to prepare you too.”
hehehee yup that’s it right there!
I put other as well, wonder if You can guess which is mine…hehehehe
I don’t know which one is yours LOL
The one that references the wax…..maybe?
heheh yes yes yes
Okay 3 of you voted I am so hot you just shot your load well now you OWE me dirty bitches hahahahahaha
Ohhhhhh……I voted other as well because I know that when you sweep your beautiful hair up and back …. hmmmmm….. that means you are ready for ….
Should I tell them?
Hell no!
I’m not going to say!
But I will say this, I love your tumblr! Ms Constance on tumblr is a wonderful thing …. photos, flirt, audios and fucking amazing sexy hotness like THIS!
hehehe you had me going I thought you were gonna tell them hehehehe I love your tumblr too it is so great to see so many sexy things you post and flirt with you yay for tumblr yay for Olivia
I see you nonchallantly undoing your hair about to shake it free, as you look down at me on the bed. Your demeanor silent, stoic & inexorable as i lay on my back with my legs spread wide & pulled up to my chest as I beg & snivel for you to please please impale me.
hehehehe I love how you think and love that this is what my picture inspired
Thanks to Hunter I finally found where all those “other” comments went and there are some great ones
Start licking my sweaty pits, then my sweaty feet, and you may finish on my ass
I am not worthy but thank you for allowing me to serve
He will be Here soon! Sissy I want you to greet him properly.. Yes !! His Cock
A face that could launch a thousand ships!
Pinning up my hair so it doesn’t get in the way while I beat your ass
Please please impale me!
Got to put my hair up so i dont get Wax in it, there now lets begin!
Keep watching dirty bitch
Are you ready for me?