Hey there everyone!
Let me start with I am about to log in for calls so catch me while you can. I also wanted to give everyone a heads up as to my upcoming schedule and when you can look for me and when not to bother looking for me
This week I will be on for calls today Wednesday, Thursday and Friday during the day. I will then be off again till next week. I wont be able to take appointments or anything from Friday evening till Tuesday evening.
I have a house guest who will be crashing here and it makes it impossible for me to tae calls. I can however possibly take a text session so if you are interested look for me
For those of you who mail me I hope to still be able to reply to mails and such while I am unable to take calls. Now if you send a mail and I don’t get back to you in a timely manner just know that I am unable to log on and I am spending time with my guest.
I want to let you all know I appreciate you all and thank you all so much for rolling with my current changes and uncertainty of when I can be on for calls. You will never know how much I appreciate you all for being so understanding and my hope is to be back to a more normal schedule soon
Future heads up I will have limited phone time the week of April 30th-May 4th I again will have house guests but I should be able to jump on for calls here and there. Just remember to follow me on Twitter @MissConstance and check back here to see if I am on for calls. One easy way to know if I posted here I am on for calls is to subscribe to my blog and get the updates when I post.
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