As a phone sex Mistress I am often asked by horny stroker boys to deny them the pleasure of cumming….well not only do I enjoy doing it but I want to help you to achieve long term orgasm denial. It is fun to deny it here and there but ohhhhh it is so much better when your denied cumming for a long stretch and your finally allowed that release…trust me I know exactly what i am talking about and I invite any of you long term denial stroker boys to comment on here and share just how incredible release is after being denied longer then just a few days!
Long term can mean a lot of things to a lot of people. For the purpose of this blog post, long term is anything more than a month. I can already hear some people gasping “one month with no orgasm?” That’s right, one month, minimum. It will probably be longer, and might just be a lot longer (evil grin).
OK, so how do I handle that? Well, that’s what this post is all about. I’m going to make it so that even the most ardent stroker can experience long term orgasm denial. Denial is physically not having an orgasm but it’s also very psychological. When you enter a casino the first thing they do is turn your paper money into chips. Why? Because people are a lot more likely to throw out a $50.00 chip than they are to throw out a $50.00 bill, psychology. When you are on a diet and are tempted by dessert, don’t say I’m not allowed to have dessert, say to yourself, right now, I am choosing to not have dessert, perhaps tomorrow, psychology. Denial is the same. Some of the biggest fans of orgasm denial still have their weak moments and need some help. When you really want to cum, and you think about how frustrating it will feel not to cum, think to yourself, the frustration of not cumming is nothing compared to the frustration of not knowing what it would be like to go longer.
Another psychological trick is to know exactly how many days it’s been since the last orgasm, 24 days for example, then when you get close realize that the cost of the orgasm is starting over from day 1. It will take 24 days just to get back to this place where you are right now. My best tip is to remember that the best orgasm, is the one that you are going to have on the phone with me, when I give you permission.
Want to try orgasm denial with me? Want to be one of my denied strokers? I have a very simple program. The program has 3 basic steps which I will expand on in a bit. 1. Commit to me on the phone 2. Follow instructions and practice everyday 3.Be ready for a mind blowing orgasm upon graduation from the program!
First, commit to the program. Not just to me, on the phone, but to yourself. Tell yourself you are going to do this. Say it in a positive manner. I will do this. Never say, I hope I can make it, that’s negative and this program has no room for negative thought.
Second, practice. Stroke daily with no orgasm, at least twice per day. It’s not important whether you edge or not, but make sure to get that cock completely hard. The important thing to remember is that at some point before climax you stop.
Third, give yourself positive feedback. Wow, I did that and I didn’t cum. My orgasm, when it’s allowed is going to be amazing.Share with me your accomplishments and I will share with you just how proud I am that your working the program correctly. There is nothing like the praise of your Mistress now is there?
Remember, the denial is on the honor system. If you cheat you only cheat yourself. If you have an accident, confess and we will start again. It’s ok to have setbacks, but I want you to push yourself, the reward is fantastic. Can you handle being one of my denied strokers? I bet you can.
You are so right Empress Constance. An orgasm after a long denial period is fantastic. Thank you for controlling and denying mine! 🙂
You make it a pure pleasure to control and deny you!!!
The control you describe is breathtaking! I envy those that can surrender to you that way.
While I may not be up to the kind of denial you so eloquently describe here, I hope that my ‘denial’ also pleases you as well…….It has been 7 months(Jan 18)in training with my type of denial with you. That denial is of oourse not being allowed to iniate sex with anyone! In all that time I have only had sex twice and we all know what will happen in just over another month 🙂