Once again I am answering all the questions you all have sent to me, I am finding them interesting and even a bit amusing so keep them coming. To submit a question click on my Ask Mistress Tab and it will be answered in the order it has been received.

Dear Mistress:
Say you were on a date with a guy you really liked. The date was going really well, wine was flowing, he was funny and sexy, you were really feeling a connection and decided to take him home. You get home, into the bedroom and onto the bed and he pulls down his pants to reveal a cock that is well below your size requirements, among the smallest you’ve seen. He doesn’t seem to be aware how small it is, what would you do?

Being realistic a man never makes it to my bedroom until I am sure his size fits my needs and I do this by touching him getting him excited and checking first………..but for the sake of this question let’s say he somehow made it into my bedroom and he was small……I would tell him how badly I wanted my pussy licked……..which no man has ever turned down and while he is licking I would say ohh jack your dick while you lick which he would of course do and when I cum I would scream you cum too then tell him how hot it was thank him and have him see himself out. Now if the guy was all wanting more I would have to break it to him gently that I am a size queen and his small dick just does not rate.

Dear Mistress:
Do you plan on reproducing?

No I do not…never had the urge and I think that’s a sign and I am perfectly happy without.

Dear Mistress:
Do you consider yourself a good cook?

I am a decent cook yes, but I am very non fancy and very basics when it comes to food I eat so don’t look for any fancy gourmet meal from my kitchen…I like to bake more than I do cooking

Dear Mistress:
How do you know when it’s time to let go of a client? How does it make you feel?

First let me say it is not easy it is super hard but I try not to let them go in all ways, perhaps they can no longer call me for phone sex but I do try to stay friends because I believe every long term caller I have we have built not only a bond but a friendship…now as long as they don’t try to take advantage of me only being their friend we can be friends indefinitely. But how do I know when it is time well a few things, when they are too needy and demanding, they are not happy, I am not happy…none of those things are good for a fun sexy relationship and if we hit that point we must part ways on the sexy side.*please note this answer was referring to what I have had to do in the past this does not apply to anyone I am currently speaking to and if it did I would be telling you directly not in this blog post*

Dear Mistress:
What do you like to be called during sex?

I answered this one last week although they said during rough dirty sex I am not a fan of any sort of names during sex atleast not directed at me unless it is like babe or sexy or hot LOL

Dear Mistress:
In your pictures, your skin looks beautiful. Are you, or have you ever been, much of a “sun worshipper?” That is, have you ever liked to lay out at the beach or by the pool in your bikini (or less!) and work on your tan? If I were to guess, I’d say that it was probably something you did when you were younger (if at all), but that you gave it up so that you would have the youthful looking face and skin you have today! In addition to your answer, maybe you could share your skin care tips with us please?

I have never been a sun worshiper with the exception of when I first moved to Florida that first year I spent so much time lounging by a pool that my skin was so dark you would think I had some ethnic back ground in fact I see those old pictures and go what the fuck was I thinking? Since then I have never been a baker I have seen the damage the sun does to everyone and many who have dealt with major issues because of their love of baking in the sun…so totally not for me.

As far as my skin care goes I wash my face twice a day once before bed once in the morning I use aveeno brightening cleanser and follow that up with aveeno daily moisturizer spf 15 and when I am going to be out exposed to the sun I use a higher spf sunscreen typically sport so it doesn’t wear  off easily.
