Here is the second of what is going to be many orgasm edging interviews….I am really enjoying reading what edging is like for each guy and I am sure if you edge you will find these interesting. If you have never edged then perhaps after reading some of these you will!
1} How long ago did you discover cock edging?
It’s been so long ago that I can hardly remember. At least 30 years now. I learned how great it made my orgasms feel when I teased myself and held back as long as possible. In my early 20’s I discovered porn (this was before the internet) and I read about Teasing and Denial with prolonged stimulation without release. Some called it brinking and some called it edging. It appealed to me.
2} How often do you edge? Every time you masturbate or only certain times?
When I masturbate it is to edge myself. Very rarely do I just plan on masturbating with the goal of climax. Now that Ms. Tia has accepted me as Her edgepet I only cum when She allows it.
3} When you edge do you use porno or any sort of masturbation aide?
My favorite edging aide is Mistress Audios. For decades I have been aroused by women’s voices. Even just normal audios like news feeds used to cause my cock to ache and stiffen. I then discovered LDW and EE. Now I have a great collection of the free audios that I can stroke to. My current goal is to listen to all of the Mistress Interview podcasts. As I do, I stroke my/Ms. Tia’s cock and edge it as many times as I can. I blog each session and post it in EE. Recently I have had some scheduling conflicts due to some personal issues but hope to resume those edge sessions very, very soon. In the meantime I have only lightly stroked my/Ms. Tia’s cock and have not edged it. My last orgasm was the one Ms. Tia allowed me on February 3, 2013. It was wonderful.
4} Do you find edging before and orgasm makes that orgasm more intense?
Most certainly it does. If you have not tried it you should. The longer you edge it the more intense the climax and the longer it lasts. Be careful, your neighbors may hear you, better stuff a pair of panties in your mouth if you are being allowed a release.
5} Do you ever edge for someone? Partner or Phone Mistress?
I won’t go into too much detail,but yes I have done so with my female partner and yes, She loves it.
6} Do you edge without wanting to orgasm?
Absolutely yes. There is a letdown after you cum. It’s like the depression you get after Christmas. All the buildup makes you feel alive and with purpose then after you cum you feel empty in more ways than one. Just remember, it’s about your Mistress, if She wants to see or hear you cum then by all means obey Her. After all, it’s like hair. It can grow back and you can restart your cycle of T&D edging within days of the climax.
7} Do you feel the more you have edged the more stamina you have to edge the next time? Meaning is your edging sessions longer and longer?
Very much so. I have had many all night sessions with 5 and 6 hour edging marathons. Practice makes perfect. Once you know your limits, you can edge multiple times and reduce your rest periods between the edges. I have gotten to the point where I reach and edge and then with the slowest gentlest strokes or tickles I can have another and another edge just seconds apart. This is very tricky but again practice makes perfect.
8} How long does an edging session last for you?
Anywhere from 15 minutes to 6 hours.
9} How long have you waited to cum but still edged…for instance have you ever edged for a week before finally cumming?
I have gone in excess of 60 days. Currently I am at day 23.
10} What is the most number of times you have edged in any 24 hour period?
Impossible for me to know the exact number. Now that I am blogging as Ms Tia’s edgepet, I will get some idea on that. My estimate is 40 plus or minus edges in a 24 hour period.
Feel free to add any other thoughts you may have about cock edging here.
Withholding your orgasm and edging yourself is a sign of your devotion to your Mistress. The pleasure of a release by accident or on purpose is fleeting. The feeling you have after displeasing your Mistress is far worse than whatever deserved punishment you may receive. Accept your life as a cock controlled pet and live happier.
Humbly submitted to Ms Constance by Ms Tia’s edgepet, teezedpurple
If you would like to participate and do an edging interview with me we can do it one of a few ways…..1 during a session 2 via yahoo chat or 3 e-mail me and I will send you the questions for your to reply to at your leisure 🙂
I miss the days when I had the privacy to edge for 6 hours at a time.
maybe on your next day off you can spend hours edging 🙂 i bet you would love it forrest!