Today at 1 pm est in the adult chat room join me and all the great chatters for Happy Hour with Constance and Catherine! This week it is a special edition of Happy Hour because I will also be live on cock radio!! I will be playing some good tunes and joining in on all the chat fun along with tell you some things that make me go Mmmmmmmm!
This weeks topic is things that make you go Mmmmmmmmmmm thats right anything….Share your links or your kinks with us as long as it makes you go Mmmmmmmmmmm we want to hear about it!! Are you a pantie boy? Do Panties make you go mmmm or does the idea of being a cuckold make you go mmmmmmmm? Share with us anything and everything we really want to know what does it for you, what makes you hot and what makes you moan!
If everything goes great for this Happy Hour then I will consider doing more live Happy Hours on cock radio so be sure to join us today at 1 pm! And immediately following the show I will be signed on and taking your kinky phone sex calls! So come discuss your kink in chat and then enjoy getting off with me on the phone after the chat!
I am looking forward to seeing all your faces in chat and I know we will have a blast! And if ever there is a song you would like to hear to go along with the theme or show feel free to e-mail it to me I love all the suggestions!!
Now lets have some fun….lets talk some kink….and let us rock those cocks!
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