So here I am the day after my birthday and feeling blessed and thankful for all my many amazing fans and followers and clients. Of course I have to thank you all for it and what better way than writing a blog

Birthday Gifts

I got many this year that of course brought a huge smile to my face you know how much I love to be spoiled! I have to say this year there were many personal and touching gifts that meant more than some random item and I want to thank all of you who took the time and effort to put a huge smile on my face

Birthday bash

Ms hunter and I had our annual birthday bash celebration, and once again you all went out of your ways to send in some birthday shout outs that were fun and meaningful! I cant thank you all enough for always making our birthday show such a huge success, and now there is a record of it so we can relive it over and over…..if you missed the show you can listen to and even download it here 

Lots of online loving on my big day

I woke up yesterday on my birthday to tons of mails and online loving and it surely made me thrilled and happy! Thank you all for taking the time and making the effort….some of you were up damn early too I am so very impressed! Thank you for the cards the gift cards and the tweets and all of the ee loving! I appreciate each and every one of you from the bottom of my heart you all are amazing!!!!


Thank you