Well hey there everyone….this is a phone sex call I think many can enjoy. First off let me say I just love meeting new people and getting to know them whether it is through chat or during a session. Talking and being comfortable with each other is a huge step into making a call a complete success, and this caller is proof of how that works.
First of all as you may have guessed he and I had never spoken before and in fact I was only his second phone call at all to this type of service. He explained to me a little about himself, age and life situation…which really does help me get a sense of the person and even what they are into. He explained to me how his sex drive is very high, which I can totally relate being a woman in my 30’s my sex drive is off the charts! And then he started to get into the reason he had called and it was all about the pantyhose and women’s legs…not only how they look but how they feel and since I am in the same mind set it was easy for us to connect on this level. We discussed what it was that turned him on about wearing women’s pantyhose, and how it all started with a baby sitter back when he was growing up…..I bet if you all dig deep your fetish can be traced back to when your were younger in some fashion but I find this especially true when it comes to cross dressing or pantie boys.
Well of course he got excited telling me when and where it all started that he found himself hard and aching so turned on that he had to find a more secluded place to go…see he was in a parking lot at the time on a Friday afternoon with lots of coming and going from other people..of course being a bit of a mistress who likes to push limits I suggested just to move to a different part of the parking lot which he was not comfortable with….see for me in these situations part of the thrill is looking at others coming and going while I am doing the deed..ha ha ha ha “the deed” yes I said it!!! But I can understand some just cant get comfortable enough.
So as we discussed more about his pantyhose fetish…I told him about a man I once dated who also enjoyed this fetish only I not only allowed him to wear pantyhose I would wear them with him….and I explained how fucking sexy and hot it was having sex with him while both of us in pantyhose…how the nylon on nylon felt and how incredible it was for the senses and how it just made every touch and thrust that much more exciting!
Well as you can imagine he had been listening to this and making comments about how hot it would be and how well I understood him when he said Ok I am pulling into a car wash I have to jerk off my dick for you! Well So there he was pulling into a car wash as I made him imagine me sitting next to him my long legs across his lap and my stockings brushing against his hard cock, although the car was was loud he was even louder his moans and groans and then it happened he SCREAMED he was about to cum!!! And as the air blower in the car wash was loud and blowing it was not the ONLY thing Blowing in there!!! He was panting and breathing heavy by the time he had finished trying to clean up as we talked…and I wished him a happy weekend and we said our good byes after a short follow up conversation….and he drove off with a HUGE smile on his face!!!
Without the conversation at first I dont think he would have realized how into his fetish phone sex call I was and nor would I have known where his fetish came from or all it means to him…so my dears that is why I say getting to know my callers before a session or at the beginning of one I find to be most important….via a quick chat or a few minutes in the beginning of the session it makes things easier for everyone involved….so never be afraid to IM me and if you like I just added a pre session questionnaire to the pages section of this blog, fill it out and mail it to me and I will reply with any follow up or suggestions I may have.
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