So I wrote a blog a couple days ago about clients from the past. I mentioned how some have not called in some time and that yes although I do think of them I dont boo hoo over them being gone…..and I also said that coming back for sessions after being absent is welcome I will be thrilled to hear from you no questions asked. Well my worm came crawling back for a sexy texting session. Oh my had he missed me, so much so that he had lost all self control that he once had. Read on to find out what happened.
Back ground on this slave
He is a sexy texting client that is so much fun we have been doing sessions for a few years now. There is always a bit of a gap between sessions but when he came sniffing around again I always was ready to put him through the paces. Up till this last absence he has had very good self control and the ability to edge to orgasms more than once with no accidents. Well I guess being away from my control so long had him out of practice for me and my way with him…..because clearly he lost the ability to hold his cum back.
Session time
So after the initial I have missed you’s and greetings and such we got right down to business with me asking what toys he brought to play with. He mentioned his butt plug, massager, penis straight jacket, willy wacker, nipple clamps and some clothespins a nice variety of things for me to use oh he also had some string so the first thing I had him do was bind those balls of mine. Once bound I instructed him to use the willy whacker slapping those balls of mine 10 times. He had already been rock hard and dripping before we even started this. Once done with the cock slapping I had him put on the nipple clamps. Now he has had the pain portion time for a bit of pleasure for this worm.
Pleasure for 1 minute = orgasm for slave
So here I am enjoying the session I allow the worm to use the massager toy and remind him how to pull back when on the edge. I think this lasted all of one minute because this slave confessed to not being able to hold back and to having no control over his orgasm and BOOM he came. I of course laughed at what a fast shooter he was and told him he is really out of practice and we need to fix that. He of course was apologetic and embarrassed at how fast he came.
Moral of this story
Well here is the moral of the story…..first of all come back if you miss me no questions asked. Second of all practice your control! Even if you are not talking to me or another phone Mistress you should be practicing control of those orgasms and orgasm edging. Do not lose touch with that side that can prolong the pleasure and the excitement because you have been selfish and just rubbing one out when the mood hit. Third never underestimate the power and reaction your body and mind will have when I am back in control again… me this slave now knows how with just a few typed words on a screen, just how hot and sexy and controlling I am and how much he missed it and the power it still has over him and that dick.
I know the feeling of not being able to hold back the cum with you!
hehehehe I know you do whoopsiesssssssssss
hear a sexy voice, being watched, or even being guided by text takes everything up a level. To put it in stereotypical sports analogies, “Game speed is much faster than practice.”
I like to think I’m usually able to perform to my Mistress’ standards, but more than once I’ve had an oops moment, and still haven’t lived them down.