This may come as a surprise to you all but I am not perfect…hahahha There are times I miss a mail or a tweet and forget to get back to them. How does this relate to the blog post topic well let me explain. If I miss something simply send a follow up request to check it. Sometimes mail goes to spam for random reasons, Sometimes a tweet will get buried and I forget to respond to it or thought I did. No matter what it is there is no reason to be nasty or disrespectful to me and oh my goodness do NOT become passive aggressive I hate that.

Respect goes both ways and I realize me missing something you sent or shared might seem like I don’t care or not respecting the fact you took the time to send it to me or tag me in it….i assure you this is not the case I am one of the most respectful people and appreciative people you will ever meet in this kinky world of ours.

So if you have sent me something and I have not responded follow up with a “hey did you see this?” Type msg  not an “I see you don’t care and are ignoring me” type msg. Now with that said I don’t lose my mind on those who do not respect me or behave foolishly as if I owe them something. I will apologize and of course respond but I will also let you know that in the future I expect more respect from you and I wont tolerate silly stuff and nasty attitudes.

If for some reason I don’t respond to your request for a follow or a reply or to an email do me a favor go to and ask them to reach out to me it could be a case of your things were flagged as spam and I didn’t get them…..or a glitch on twitter or ee or what have you. the ladies at help my cock are there to help you with whatever you need of our company including giving me a msg saying hey Constance check your spam or your tweet DM’s. I wont be upset in fact  would rather that from them than an nasty attitude from you.

I respect my callers and the time and effort they put into our fun…I respect my followers and enjoy sharing with them and although I miss some things from time to time I mean no disrespect to anyone. However if you are being graphic in DM on twitter in a blog comment or email I will not give you graphic back…remember the naughty graphic things are left for the calls.

So there you go Respect you found out what it means to me LOL now try not to sing that all day….he he he you are welcome now lets have some fun!