So today I want to discuss something that seems to be lacking with some of those who contact me….Respect and unsolicited graphic pictures! If you are respectful and do not send graphic pictures move on, or read this as a warning…but don’t get all butt hurt
Graphic Pictures
I know I am in the sex business and yes I do enjoy seeing cocks and such. I however never want to open an email from anyone that shows graphic nudity of any type unless I have asked you to send it to me. This happens all the time. People assume sex business= no regard for what I might like to see up in my face. Well you couldn’t be more wrong so do ask before sending or wait for me to ask!
Respect Me
This is a no brainier right? Well seems some people need a reminder that sending me graphic emails and being rude because I was not here when they wanted me is okay. Not only is it not okay but if you want to be ignored by me for the rest of your days go ahead and push those limits of mine…be rude…..and you will be gone!
Unless we have an appointment that we have agreed to the time and such I am not obligated to be here for your call. I get you really want to talk to me but getting short and nasty with me because you were horny at 10 pm and I was not there well that’s just too bad. Next time mail or accept the fact I was not here and move on.
Now onto the fun
Now that I got that off my chest lets move on to some more fun things. I am super easy going but when pushed I can be bitchy about things….so lets keep bitchy Constance locked away and let the fun easy going Constance be able to just have some fun.

Yeah for following Mistress’s wishes and making Mistress happy! …. Besides,when it comes to being ‘bitchy’ and ‘locked up’…. it’s my job to be one of Her Locked bitches!
Good morning mistress. Apparently the people who are nasty to you really have no idea who you are. In my opinion you are the most wonderful person I’ve ever had the pleasure of meeting. Your smart, funny, a true friend, beautiful, and of course you own me and I love being your little cum eater. Although I am curious about the bitchy mistress I would not want to encounter her by being disrespectful and rude. I’d rather ask, maybe for my next birthday spanking the bitchy mistress can come to play and give me some struck punishment lol. So screw the rude assholes who disrespect you. You deserve so much better.
What a wonderful post for guys, on how to remember to behave. I think most of the guys we encounter are very respectful and every once in awhile a guy is so excited– he loses his mind and forgets that it’s a privilege to be able to talk with you or any other Mistress. Thank you for putting the reminder out there. Hee-hee because I am sure the majority of guys would never want to bring out the bitchy Constance. Hee-hee