Well it has been some time since I have done a random thoughts blog and well I thought time to share another. Since moving is consuming my brain space might as well be about moving so enjoy!
My first thought is moving sucks! I am sure you can all relate
How did I end up with so much crap
Why do I hold on to so much
I wonder what the goodwill sorter is thinking going through my stuff
Living out of boxes is the worst
Why do I keep packing things I need to use!
I hope the movers are sexy looking
I cant wait to boss those fuckers around
They best not be fucking off or i will break out the bitch paddle
I hope the unpacking is less traumatic than the packing
All my stuff better fit in the storage unit or Imma beat some balls
Hope I get settled fast and easy!
Sorting through panties is hard!
I wont get rid of panties just rotate them out of storage
Fuck purging
Being in the same place 14 years is great till you have to fucking pack
I wonder if Molly will come down and help me move
If my move is a bad one I plan to take it out on balls!
So there you have it my not so sexy random thoughts about moving and how I am doing with this move…..Remember I wont be on for calls from 10/28 to 10/31 and I expect you all to be ready for my return and in lin on those phones
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I volunteer these balls for the beating!!
yay I have a volunteer!!!!
It’s been awhile for me since i moved, but i have helped others move recently. There is nothing fun bout it….except getting it done! But when you finally settle into a new place it is rewarding. I suspect you may be living out of boxes for a bit longer…..and while i hope nothing goes wrong….Please feel free to take out ANY frustrations on my balls anyway 🙂
Packing, bossing, paddling, sorting, moving, unpacking, rotating, settling in. Yeah! It’s a lot of work! When you get a chance to sit down and rest pour yourself a glass of wine, I’ll call and I’ll *drink* with ya Constance! wink*wink… and I’ll thank YOU for it!