First of all, let me say fuck it is cold out today!! Windy and cold for Florida….yes, I know it could be worse if I was up North, but I am NOT, I am in Florida and it is cold, which means I have to wear clothes, which sucks!
I like watching football because I dig the guys in tight pants and running into each other.
I wonder if anyone screams like I do at the game and call them cock suckers and such?
Who is gonna win the game? I don’t have a horse in this race, so it don’t matter to me, but, hmm, wonder who will win?
What’s with them showing all the commercials leading up to game day? I mean, back in the day, you saw them during the game only! This is one case where the internet has fucked things up for sure.
I have avoided watching any of the commercials already out so I can be surprised tonight.
How many of you are gonna be drunk during the game?
I wonder if anyone fucks while the super bowl is, if your woman came in dropped her panties and said “Bang me!” would you say, “Not now, honey, the super bowl is on?” Oh Oh, what if she said, “Fuck me now or you don’t get any pussy for a year!”?
I bet blow jobs happen more often than fucking during the game.
How much junk food is consumed during the game? I bet a ton!
Why do people get super upset when a team they like loses? I mean, I know guys who will get like depressed over their team not winning….really? There is not enough junk in our lives to depress us that we have to let a game do it too?
Will the Bears ever make it to a super bowl again? Should I just get rid of my Bears gear and find a new team?
Wonder what the food store is like right now? I bet there is like a billion people shopping! I think I shall stay away!
Okay, there you have my random thoughts about the Big Game Day. Hope you all enjoy and have a great day!
I will be watching too….eating junk food, but not getting drunk though. I did that last night lol. I don’t have a dog in this fight either, so i think the ‘cat’ team will take it. The Panthers will win this one in a blow out. Cam Newton is going to have an “I’m going to disneyland” performance………Just wish i was there with you to hear you calling them ‘cocksuckers’ lol
I had good junk food and some wine, but didn’t get drunk. I love sports as much as anyone and have watched every Super Bowl, but there isn’t a sporting event created for which I would give up a chance to fuck! ‘Nuf said about that. And I’m one of those who “lives and dies” with my teams. Could go into a whole long explanation about escaping from every day life bullshit and finding fun in it, but that’s just the way it is for some people and not others. And I totally agree about the commercials. I wait to watch them too.
You have to stay true to your team. You dont want to be a fair weather fan like..Philly fans do ya. Can take the girl out of philly but cant take the philly out of the girl lol
This was one if not the super bowls ever. Theres a reason
Its called the stupid bowl. I’m a vikings fan so it will be never if they win it. If I wasn’t with family I would’ve called.