Well, here we are, mid March and spring has sprung for most of us…sure, there might be a cooler day here and there, but for the most part it is spring. Here in Florida, it is spring for like a day before heading on to summer ughhh, but hey, spring weather sparks lots of random thoughts and here are some of them:

First of all, fuck you time to turn the clocks ahead. Losing an hour is fucked up and it will take me 2 weeks to adjust! How many of you hate time change?

Oh, the pretty colors of spring! The pastels and bright summer colors are coming out and they just evoke a sense of happiness in me.

How many sissy girls change wardrobes with the season? Time to break out the sandals and the short skirts, girls!

Should I paint my nails a nice pastel color? Oh, pinks or maybe a robin blue, ohh the colors are so pretty!

Wonder how many guys are going to wear a speedo to the beach?….Hey, speaking of which, now I am thinking of cucking going in his bright yellow speedo with the only bulge in it made by his chastity device hahahahaha!

Easter candy is so awesome! I just love this holiday candy wise…well, other reasons too, but that’s one of them.

OMG St Patty’s day is this coming week! How many of you will be partying even though you’re not Irish?

I have my air back on. That’s the only thing I really hate about the weather changing and getting hotter…I have to turn on the air.

Oh, and to who ever invented air-conditioning, thank you so fucking much! I could not live in Florida without it.

Ha, the air just turned on and blew on the back of my neck and gave me chills… hey, why is it when I get chills my nipples get hard?

Molly has been on vacation and  I missed her, but she sent me a picture last night to my phone that showed a One Way Street named Constance hahahaha! How cool is that?!?! First off, who ever named that street super smart and I bet good looking too, and second, Molly missed me and was thinking of me! YAY!!!!

Okay, this is enough of my silly spring random thoughts. Share your random spring thoughts if you like..till next time.
