So it is morning and everyone knows how much I dislike them but I have been waking up early lots lately and let me just say this…it SUCKS yes waking up early sucks I am in this business so I don’t have to get up early but fuck you mornings for waking me up anyways!!!!

So one random thought is just what the fuck am I doing up at 8 am on a Saturday? I mean next week is cookie baking day and I have to be up early for that but not today…this is crap!

To the people of amazon fuck off you make me so mad that I woke up in the MORNING mad at your ass and you can kiss mine!

who invented anal sex I mean when did it occur to people to fuck in the ass? I mean don’t get me wrong I love giving and using my strap on cock but just who thought of this and what exactly did their partner think when they brought it up?

One eyed willie song that is on cock radio done by someone for Hannah is stuck in my fucking head has been since yesterday and was even in my dream…..fucking one eyed willie OMGGGGGGGG out out of my damn head

speaking of one eyed willie do you all name your dicks? Or ever have someone name them? If you have why? I mean women don’t name their pussies why name your penis? Is it because it is like your best friend so you feel it needs a name? Dudes need to explain the naming of the dick thing to me!

I wasn’t around yesterday wonder if Molly or Cassidy or the dispatchers missed me I mean after all I am nothing but fun and happiness even if this blog seems a bit cunty….blame it on being MORNING time

My friend finally got a job and has been texting me all MORNING about it well geesh it is morning fuck off till noon or later! I mean I am happy for you but enough move on LOL……oh and can I have the 100.00 bucks back I lent ya?

What goes through my cats mind? I mean she yells at me all the time is she saying fuck off bitch or I love you it is so damn confusing anyone speak cat?

This is enough for me damn morning random ramblings Have a fucking awesome day everyone!!!!!

Random silly picture to go with my Random silly thoughts

Random silly picture to go with my Random silly thoughts