Yes I am doing another random thoughts blog and it just happens to be Fuckalicious Friday so woo hooo happy almost weekend everyone. Please do keep in mind that these are random thoughts not meant to be taken seriously or to heart just stuff that pops into my head while typing it.

First of all where did I come up with fuckalicious I been using it for years and not sure how or why I even started using it LOL

Man it is hot in Florida already and ya ya I know it is F L O R I D A and is supposed to be hot but fuck it gets me every time

Why do random strangers try to tell me to let my puppy just play when it is clear I am training him…fuck off he plays plenty

When Molly is off on fuckalicious Friday do you think she is actually fucking

How many of you have cum more then 10 times during Masturbation May

Do you all know I am not married and I am single and can come and go and answer to NOBODY whenever I want? Now you do

Why is cat food like puppy crack I mean they go nuts for it and once they get a taste they cant stop…just like crack heads

What am I going to have for dinner tonight? It is Friday I shouldn’t cook right

I wonder how many of you are super thrilled it is Fuckalicious Friday even though you wont be fucking

I love moon pies

I wonder if Brighton, Alyssa and Phoenix were all lined up together Naked and I was blindfolded would I be able to figure out who is who just by rubbing their sweet asses?

Doo you think you could guess who was who by rubbing their asses?

How many of you would just do anything to touch those hot asses

Why am I now obsessed with their asses

Okay I have been about as random as I can LOL from one thing to another but there you have it yet another silly random thoughts blog from me….don’t forget about all the amazing Masturbation May things happening around our sites and to celebrate with some fun!!!

Random silly picture to go with my Random silly thoughts

Random silly picture to go with my Random silly thoughts