I am sure for many of you this will come as no surprise but we here at LDW have our very own podcast site Cock Radio! I even have my own show I do weekly! I wanted to post so everyone was reminded on and informed of the Cock radio schedule of shows you can find it here. I am going to also list the shows and links to them for you to use as a short cut if you like. Remember all live shows will have the chat room during them so you can join the fun in there as well. Also if you cant make a live show you can listen to and download if you like on demand at anytime! **** please note all show times are eastern time zone***
Sunday 11pm Whore School Hosted by Ms Harper.
Here is where you can find her show page along with past episodes
Monday 8pm Magic Bust hosted by Ms Catherine
This show is CHAT ONLY To join the chat go here
Tuesday 12pm Happy Hour Hosted by Ms KayMarie
Here is where you can find her show page along with past episodes
Wednesday 8pm Kink Korner hosted by MEEEEE
Here is where you can find my show page
Thursday 8pm Mistress and the Tramp Hosted by Ms Hunter
Here is where you can find her show page
Friday Afternoons Risque Chronicles Hosted by Ms Hannah and Cassidy
This is a pre recorded podcast not a live show. Here is here you can find their show page
We also have a ton of sexy erotic audios for you to enjoy anytime
Here is the show page for Mistresses of Vox Erotic
So there you have it all our shows with links and times right here on my blog easy for you to bookmark and get to. If you have any questions or would like to suggest things for what you would enjoy on cock radio please feel free to mail me personally Constance@enchantrixempire.com
The voice of a Goddess!