I am sure I have talked about this subject before on my blog but wanted to touch on it once again. I probably should have titled this Help Me Help You! Because if you don’t communicate with me during a session how can I help you achieve what you are seeking?

Speak up

So you come to me for a phone sex session and typically something drove you to me. A kink I have discussed on my blog, one of my profiles on a site, I look like a coworker you have the hots for……and the list goes on. In all of those cases something drove you to want to speak to me, I need to know what that is. I don’t need you to tell me every single detail (unless you dig that) but a general idea is so helpful so I can plan the fun.

Anything you want Mistress

This is probably the worst thing to tell me because I will go to extremes…..denial, chastity, ignore, or perhaps my strap on cock in your ass. Oh whats that you say you don’t like any of those things? Well tell me then don’t do the whole anything you want Mistress thing! If you are going to come to be to submit and want to be at the mercy of my whim you still have to give me direction….here is an example I liked your blog on cum eating and well I was interested in trying it anything you want to do with me to get me there is fine by me. Perfect way to let me know and still give me control.

Communication is healthy

Every single relationship you have in your life communication will be key. If you can’t communicate you will never be happy or satisfied no matter what type of relationship it is. So communicate before or during our phone sex session, give a direction or a few ideas you enjoy. You cant expect me to read your mind or know what you are into especially if we have never talked nor communicated in any way. I can build and expand and explore all your kinks with you but only if I have the foundation of communication to begin with.

Help Me Help You

By helping me help you I can help you enjoy what it is you enjoy…helping you explore chastity, help you be feminized, help you eat your own cum…..or simply help you to masturbate and cum……..it all starts with you helping me to help you!