Happy Hump day everyone! By the title you already know what this blog is about I wont be doing my weekly kink korner podcast. I have done a lot of radio this past month and I need a little break for the night. Nothing is wrong all is good just taking a break from radio for the night BUT…
I will be on for calls
Yup I will be on for calls instead. I will be here during the day for calls and then breaking for dinner and coming back till about 9 pm eastern. This is a chance for all you night guys or well evening guys to catch me when I am not normally on. Yay right?!?!
In virtual world as well
Yup while I am on for calls in the evening tonight I will also be hanging out in our virtual great room. This means you can hang out with me there or even do a session with me there. Man I am giving you all kinds of options today hehehehe
Missing my voice
Well there are two things you can do about that instead of going to my show…..the first is obvious call me hahahaha no need to sit there missing me just give me a call. The second option you have is to check out my past episodes of kink korner here. I love that I can share past episodes with you all and wish we had always had that option because man there were some priceless kink korners back in the day
Back live next week
Oh and for those of you asking or worried this is just a one week thing….I will be back live next week on cock radio at my usual kink korner time so be sure to come hang out and tune in
Yes i am addicted to you
I know and I adore ya pet