Happy Hump Day everyone!!! We are now in a brand new year and, of course, my schedule is the same: every Wednesday I will be posting my ask Mistress post, sharing your questions and giving you my answers and opinions. If you would like to submit a question, please use my Ask Ms Constance tab right here on my blog.

Dear Mistress:
I understand the importance of a caller communicating their thought/ideas/interest with a PSO. Unfortunately not all things can be conveyed at one time.  In the past I have had a PSO that continued to go to a place that I don’t do and I have repeatedly mentioned that that doesn’t work for me. She kept going there therefore I no longer call her. I have also been ridiculed for being a sub/slave that has limitations. When on a call and in the middle of a session what is the best way (most respectful way) to let the PSO that I don’t do certain things if they bring them up?

My advice is to just say it when it comes up….so the lady says xyz and you cringe….stop the play and say I am sorry, but I don’t care for that. Can we change the topic? That is direct and clear and leaves no wiggle room for misunderstanding your limit. If the Lady then ridicules you for having limits, the best thing to do is ask to be sent back to dispatch and ask for a refund. The thing about D/s play is that everyone has limits, EVERYONE, including the submissive and part of being a good Domme is to respect a sub’s limits and not to ridicule them for having them. I am sorry these things happened to you and please, never hesitate to just end the session and find another Mistress who fits you better. When we offer our 100% guarantee, we are not kidding around. We mean it.

Dear Mistress:
There are plenty of the places on the internet to read about cuckolding. In reading it seems that all cuckolds never have sex and that all hot wives are out getting laid every night. I realize this must be true because it is on the internet but in real life do you think that for married couples this is true? Or is it possible that they sometimes engage in cuckolding and sometimes they have “normal” relations?

“I realize this must be true because it is on the internet…” That is funny! First of all, not all cuckolds are denied sex. In fact, most are not. I think what you read on the internet is sensationalized for the readers and although I, myself have cuckolds who are denied fucking, it is because of their unique circumstances and not the actual norm. In fact, when I was married and we dabbled in cuckolding, we had MORE sex after I fucked another man in front of him, so no, that’s not true for all cuckold relationships at all.

Dear Mistress:
Have you ever had any female subs who serve you and whose chastity/masturbation habits you control? Or do you only like to have male subs? Are there any differences to having male subs vs. female subs? Please give us your thoughts on this subject.

Never had a female “sub”, but I have been involved in scenes where the female was also submissive but not at the SUB level, but more in a “give her directions during some hot play time” kinda way. So I can’t answer this really, since I have nothing to go by.

masturbation control with Constance