So this morning I noticed a couple of LDW Mistresses from our sites no longer here and was asked by a few people what happened to them. It got me to thinking about my time here at LDW and how many ladies have come and gone. Now I won’t comment on anything but how I think /feel so  don’t read into this post

I don’t know

It is very rare for one of the ladies to tell me they are leaving. Even with the ladies I have gotten close to, I don’t often know. I am sure that whatever had them drop out is important and their choice. I won’t ever judge anyone, and I wish everyone nothing but the best. With that said it is important for you all to know that I really don’t know what it might be or if they are gone for good.

What about me?

Well if you are a long time client of mine then you know that I have made a promise to you all. I won’t ever drop out of site long term without letting you all know. I am dealing with many personal things now as many of you are aware of but I won’t ever just leave without a word. That I can promise you.

Beyond my control

As with most big things in life that take us from the things we enjoy doing like my work here. I can’t control what the future holds but again I can promise you all this…. I have things in place that if something beyond my control came up that you all will be told something. Like I will be away for a while….I will be breaking for 4 months or what have you or I am gone forever. You will know that I promise you all.

I have been less consistent

My call taking times have been less regular an more all over the place this I know. I am addressing it here because I am not pretending like “oh what do you mean you have not been able to reach me?” I know all too well how I have missed some of your calls and been unable to take a call when you could make them.  For that, I apologize, and I wish I could say don’t worry soon I will be back on for calls all the time…but at this point, I can’t say that and won’t. For now, keep trying and of course, as I have said before on my blog…reach out by mail/tumbl/tweet and I will do what I can to make a hot call happen!