I am always asked by new callers how I got started in phone sex and what led me to the wonderful world of LDW/Enchantrix so I am going to share a bit with you all about my history with phone sex enjoy!
My first phone sex experience
Well this may not surprise many but my very first phone sex experience was way before I ever got into the business. I was in a relationship where he traveled for work, and during those times when he or I were a bit horny we found ourselves getting dirty on the phone. The very first time I remember thinking will this dirty talk get the job done? Well to my surprise the more excited he got the more excited I got and although it was vanilla phone sex it was erotic and exciting and it got the job done and then some!
How did I get in the phone sex business?
As many of you know who have listened to my mistress interview with Ms Tia I came about doing this for a living in a half joking way. I worked at a private country club at the time and one of the male members who always flirted with me had made a comment and then began to walk away, when I replied to the comment I did it in a very sexy way (I can’t recall the exact conversation) but whatever I said to him he spun around and said OMG that was so sexy I would pay to have you talk like that to me! I started laughing and said that’s it I am leaving this job to talk dirty on the phone for a living! Little did I realize that less than a year later I had done just that! I left my vanilla job and looked into phone sex as a way to make a living!
My first phone sex job
I went to work with a phone sex company that was an anything goes kind of site and my very first caller wanted to suck cock for me. Imagine that my first phone sex caller EVER wanted to be a cock sucker, I remember thinking man this is hot he is going to town discussing his cock sucking needs and I was enjoying every second of it! I have worked for another company before coming to LDW which was recommended to me by a former client who thought I would fit in well here……he was absolutely RIGHT and to this day I still thank him for telling me about the wonderful world of fem dom phone sex!
What was your first experience with phone sex?
So I shared … now how about you all share your first phone sex experience with me…..tell me about the first time you had phone sex whether it be with a woman in your life or a phone sex operator. Was it good? Satisfying? Do you still speak to your first phone girl or have you long since parted ways? Share all you want with me and be sure to include any experience you may have had with me on a phone sex call. For those of you who have never called me maybe now would be a good time to compare my phone sex skills to those you have had in the past hehehehehe.
I started calling phone sex in the 80’s,back in the 976 days and I remember it distinctly due to the fact that I ran up a tab of over $2,000 on my parents’ phone bill.I suppose it was a not too subtle indickation that I had becum addickted to it.I don’t recall specifically,but I suppose we discussed what every teenager,regardless of generation,discusses,which was the ideas and habits I had picked up on from videos and magazines.
As I’ve ascended through maturity,I’ve sought phone sex as a source of friendship and conversation as opposed to satisfying my sexual needs,as I’ve found new and less expensive ways in which to do so.I may “spring” for the occasional jackoff session,but,basically,I just like to have a conversation with someone,mostly about stuff in general.As long as she’s nice and presents the ability to have an intelligent discussion.I HATE anyone who either won’t or can’t deviate from the script.Be a real person with me,I’ll be one with you.If not,then FUCK OFF.
Holy shit a 2000 bill I am amazed you didn’t get beat to death by your parents for that! It is great to hear how your phone sex needs have matured and I know we here at ldw/enchantrix can break that scripted mold of what is expected of a phone sex operator and be the confident intelligent women we are!
My first phone sex call was with a vanilla company and she just moaned and panted and talked dirty to me until I came and that was the end of it. I wasn’t that impressed and I didnt call again for years. After the internet became more widespread and I did some “chastity” research I came across LDW’s site, Cockcontrol dot com and I felt like I was home. I had some ladies that would talk to me about my denial fetish and it was wonderful. I didn’t call all that often until I met the woman of my dreams who made all my fantasies into reality and exceeded my wildest expectations. Now I call weekly!!! I am home, and I love it.
Thanks gummy for the comment…….who is this woman of your dreams? hehehehehehehe I forgot to mention in my blog post when I was younger I once called a phone sex place to see what it was like and it was just what you said moaning and hooting and hollering I hung up thinking what the fuck was that???? I too just like you once I found ldw and cock control felt at home and hey it brought you and I to where we are today so thats awesome. I have but one complaint about your comment where is the POEC on your name? Time to change that sunshine! hehehehehe
What a grave mistake that was!!! How could I possibly forget the POEC when it is permanently tattooed in my mind!!!!
Very good I love the new name change and hmmmm in your mind? I am thinking on that ass!!!!
My first experience with phone sex was when I was in the Air Force and my girlfriend would call me almost everyday. She seem awfully good at it and I wonder was she a pro at 18. 🙂 She had me so hot and bothered that I forgot my roommate was in the room. She talked about what she would do to me and had me imagine her being there doing all those eroctic things to me. Damm, it felt so good, I didn’t need to cheat on her. I never thought phone sex could be so good. I haven’t made any calls to the beautiful ladies of Ee yet but when I do, I know it will be amazing!!! So the only experience I ever had with phone sex was with what I thought was the women of my dreams.
Thanks for the comment kurt……….funny how before you ever tried it just like with me I thought will this do it for me? But it did indeed do it for me and made me not look to others to satisfy my sexual needs. I also found yes although I was in a sense just masturbating the fact he was masturbating with me is what really made it satisfying. Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh phone sex beginnings how sweet they are
My first phone sex call with a service was 15 years ago or more. I think it was after a breakup and it was very hot at the time. She had me doing all kinds wild things. I also have had many memorable intimate calls with girlfriends. And the calls with Ms.Constance have been freaking amazing over the past couple of years. You know me so very well;)
Hi sweetboy thanks for the comment! You have been at it longer than I ever imagined way to go and man am I ever thrilled you found me and I do know you well very very VERY well……….kiss kiss sweet boy