Yesterday I posted the first part of my chastity interview and today I will finish up with all the questions….enjoy
9. What changes can I expect in my life if you lock me into a chastity device?
you will be horny non stop… will find yourself at times feeling a bit helpless but that’s when you lean on me and I can help work you through those moments. You will also find yourself more turned on and willing to please than you ever have before…and one great benefit to being locked in chastity by me is you will become a part of an elite very special group of pets
10. How would you deal with a pet who has removed the chastity device without your permission?
I have never had this happen…..If they wish to remove it due to just wanting out and do it without me well that is pointless because why even bother being locked by me in the first place, just do it on your own. With that said I would talk to them about it and give them one more chance if that’s what they want. But after the second time any unlocking without me will end out chastity relationship. We will still talk and such but chastity will be off the table
11. Of all the pets that you’ve put into chastity devices, approximately what percentage will slip or otherwise not complete their term?
I have never had a chastity failure…even in the event of a chastity device breaking we continued with the denial while the cage was being fixed and locked back up once it was.. Every single chastity pet or slave I have had has reached the goals we set together and then some!
12. Since you don’t hold the actual keys to the device, how can you be sure that your chastity pet isn’t cheating?
I like to verify during sessions typically a short weekly session will do fine but I also like daily pictures I have come up with a way to have a pet take pictures to send to me daily assuring me that it is not just the same picture. I also go back to what I said before if they are going to cheat what’s the point in doing it at all with me? You cheat yourself more than your cheating me
13. How would you answer a prospective chastity pet who says, “I want to be locked up and never cum again”?
I have dealt with this very situation and for about a year he stuck to that but then came to the realization hmmm never again? We instead just changed that never again to sometime in the future. It is fun to fantasize and even live in that never again frame of mind but the bottom line everyone needs to cum and although I will feed that fantasy of never cumming again making it the hottest you have ever known the reality is that just won’t happen
14. Being locked in chastity is difficult. How do you as the Mistress provide guidance and maintain your pets to keep them on the path?
As I mentioned before, I am hands on with daily contact and total support and encouragement. I have long term chastity experience with pets and understand the rollercoaster of emotions and physical issues that happen while locked up and I am able to recognize and help someone who is locked up and having a rough time, although I have to point out that in order for me to help you through a rough patch YOU have to be open to my help and willing to hear me and not just focus on you feeling miserable.
15. What are some of the day to day difficulties that I’ll experience if you lock me up?
difficulties hmmmm well I hate to focus on just the bad so let me give several things you will feel
………Horny….desperate…..owned…..controlled….thrilled….sad…..happy…sexless…..helpless…..cherished….adored those are just some of the emotions and feelings you will experience when locked in chastity. With that said your whole life will change in other ways… you sit while locked in a cage… you shower…..your personal hygiene routine will be changed. How you interact in sexual situations and how you even lose the ability to get morning wood will all be changes you will feel. Also you will find yourself even more devoted to the person who controls that cock.
16. In your experience, what signs do you look for that would indicate that a locked pet might be having trouble?
attitude is the biggest…being hands on I am able to pick up on someone having a hard time. They become less responsive and down right moody but of course I understand that and make sure I talk to them to help them work through it. They can all be unresponsive to me or start to slip in keeping in contact via mail or IM and this is a huge red flag saying something is going on and I reach out. Social interactions change for some and as you all know I am all over social media so when I see passive aggressive posts from a pet I nip it in the bud and reach out.
Well there you have my answers to the chastity interview, Remember, chastity is not for everyone. Think about it clearly before deciding to lock up for someone and make sure that your ideas match up. It is so important to have the right cage and also the right woman in control.
Great job hometown mistress
thanks hometown homie glad you enjoyed it
I’m not surprised you have never had a chastity failure. Because you are there when needed. I can relate to all those emotions because I have had them with you and also had you be there to figure things out. Fantastic responses.
why thank you 🙂 I do love chastity and I am glad you enjoyed reading my views on it
Wonderful self interview….I have heard most of these thoughts from your directly but it is amazing to read them all in one place like this.
“Horny….desperate…..owned…..controlled….thrilled….sad…..happy…sexless…..helpless…..cherished….adored those are just some of the emotions and feelings you will experience when locked in chastity.”
Help me feel all these things and more Mistress…….Thank you!
thank you cuckie and I think you have felt many of them already but don’t worry lots more where that came from
I have not read any of the other interviews but seeing that you did one of your self did interest me mostly because I know your experience with chastity.
I am a different kind of person, anyone who knows me knows that I do not keep this a secret. I have done some self imposed chastity in my past, some short term and some long term with the longest being a little over fourteen months. During these times I really did not feel any of the things that you described. These are some of the things that do make me realize what it is that makes me different.
I have great respect for those that do go into chastity.
well I am glad knowing I did one got ya to check it out
I know you are a tad diff when it comes to such thing but I think when you do it for someone who is controlling it is when you feel those things I mentioned in my blog and with that said everyone is diff and I am sure some don’t feel it just in my experience all did 🙂 thanks for the comment babe!
Loved the second half of your interview just as much as the first! And reading it makes me want to be locked back up again!
yay hope you liked the third and final part too
You had me at “horny non stop” and “hands on” and “owned”…let’s just say You have me!! And I love it!!
heheheehe yay I sure do have you and dig having you
You response to question 15 “………Horny….desperate…..owned…..controlled….thrilled….sad…..happy…sexless…..helpless…..cherished….adored those are just some of the emotions and feelings you will experience when locked in chastity. With that said your whole life will change in other ways… you sit while locked in a cage… you shower…..your personal hygiene routine will be changed. How you interact in sexual situations and how you even lose the ability to get morning wood will all be changes you will feel. Also you will find yourself even more devoted to the person who controls that cock”
All so true Constance. All those feelings are felt deeply and reinforced by the little life changes you mention. It’s such an intimate thing and every shower I take and every morning I awake constrained makes all those feelings intensify and reinforces endless thoughts of the gorgeous women controlling HER cock and me in every way!