Here is another wonderful chastity interview I did with Ms. Cassidy. I am loving all the answers from all these amazing chastity mistresses and hope you are enjoying them as much as I am.
1. As a Chastity Mistress, what do you enjoy the most about denying a man or locking them into a chastity device?
It’s hard to choose one thing, but I have to say, the moment when they realize they are almost more comfortable in than out and I hear “Thank you, Mistress”
2. What do you expect out of your chastity pets once you have them locked up?
I don’t like whining or lying. So, I expect honesty at all times, even if they mess up.
3. In your opinion, what is the most important thing that a chastity pet gets out of the relationship?
They learn to give up control. Not having control over one part of your life can help you focus on other parts, because you no longer have to worry about that one.
4. What qualities do you look for in a chastity pet?
An under control ego! I’m the Mistress, it’s my way.
5. Do you prefer short lockups or long term?
Depends entirely on the slave, though I am often swayed by attitude. Slaves who like to top from the bottom, don’t stay my slave long.
6. Do you plan a lockdown with a definite term in mind or do you prefer to “play it by ear”?
I ALWAYS play it by ear
7. This is hot and I want to be locked up, but I’ve never tried chastity before. What do I need to do to make it happen?
You need to research. We have sites full of essays, forums to ask questions on and Mistresses you can email. If you come to me and know nothing, I’ll tell you to go research chastity belts. I’m not a hand holder, but I’m not going to be harsh with a beginner either.
8. What happens if I change my mind once you’ve locked me up?
Again, that depends on the slave. But you’re already worried about changing your mind, it’s probably not going to work.
9. What changes can I expect in my life if you lock me into a chastity device?
You’ll start to notice other parts of your life more. Everything is more vivid, including each little thing that excites you at all.
10. How would you deal with a pet who has removed the chastity device without your permission?
I’m not tolerant of this most of the time. I do allow for issues that are not within the pet’s control, but to just willfully remove it, isn’t acceptable.
11. Of all the pets that you’ve put into chastity devices, approximately what percentage will slip or otherwise not complete their term?
That’s hard to say, since I don’t deal long with those who act this way and I try to always have a few conversations first, to determine if we are a good fit.
12. Since you don’t hold the actual keys to the device, how can you be sure that your chastity pet isn’t cheating?
I expect honesty. If I have to insist on photos, then you aren’t being a good chastity pet. If you want to cheat yourself, fine, but you won’t stay my pet and cheat me.
13. How would you answer a prospective chastity pet who says, “I want to be locked up and never cum again”?
I’d say “never is a long time” and tell him we’re going to start off at a shorter time and maybe one day he can work up to never (which by the way, you can’t. Not with me…it’s not responsible to let someone do that to themselves in my opinion)
14. Being locked in chastity is difficult. How do you as the Mistress provide guidance and maintain your pets to keep them on the path?
I email, respond to emails, am available on IM to chat with and take appointments.
15. What are some of the day to day difficulties that I’ll experience if you lock me up?
You’ll want out. It will be uncomfortable. You’ll be frustrated that the million and one excuses you come up with that sound awesome in your head will all be ones I’ve heard before and have answers to.
16. In your experience, what signs do you look for that would indicate that a locked pet might be having trouble?
There’s a moment, where a pet stops having fun and starts being really unhappy. You can tell by voice, actions, change in behavior patterns. Then we talk. I don’t ever want you to feel anything but amazing, even if it’s amazingly frustrated and needing to stroke and cum.
Read more about Ms. Cassidy and Chastity
Another great interview. She practices what she preaches — honesty and communication; she is quite clear about what she wants and doesn’t and I think that’s great. Everyone should know exactly what they are getting into. I really enjoyed her thoughts on doing research, working things out beforehand, starting short, honesty and communication, never giving up orgasms entirely, and being available. And that she wants it to be an amazing experience. And she’s right; if someone is already hesitating or worried about changing their mind they probably shouldn’t start.
yes and that is very cool I love how she explained chastity with her
Another great interview! Ms Cassidy appears to be a wonderful keyholder. I especially appreciate that she is in tune with the fact that it isn’t always easy. Sometimes a guy in chastity hits a wall. Everything that was fun now seems depressing. Our continuing to be locked seems more a torment than a blissful service to our Mistress. I think a Mistress understanding this, and knowing how to make it better, might be the key to actually having chastity work long term.
yes she has some great insight and thoughts about chastity
Love these interviews! I found Ms Cassidy’s first answer most interesting. That the Mistress would get enjoyment at the moment she knows the pet has crossed over to being uncomfortable when out of the cage, and thanks her for being locked back up. 🙂
glad you are enjoying the jem jem
As always great job hometown mistress
And Ms Cassidy you got it right on the money
she does understand it well great interview