Well as you all know I have created a few polls for you all to give me some feedback the first one was “why don’t you call me” which got me some interesting results. I followed that one up with “When do you call” because one of the top things from the previous poll was I am not on when you call. Well the results are in and I thank all of you who took the time to vote
What the results told me
Well I wont go into each one but besides calling when I am on it seems before 11 am and after 9 pm were very popular. As many of you know I am not a morning girl and although I am up by 11 am I am not typically on for calls. To go with that I am not a late night girl and typically don’t take calls at night. But I have a perfect solution for those of you who do wish to speak to me at those times.
Make an appointment
Simple solution if you know you want to play and will be free send me an e-mail Constance@enchantrixempire.com and request an appointment. keep in mind for morning calls I will never do super early ( unless you want me to be a cunt to you hahaha) But I am happy to adjust my routine with enough advanced notice. So Morning guys mail the day before….and before 9 pm eastern. I will respond and let you know if it is possible.
For those you wanting after 9 pm do the same thing e-mail the day of or sooner if you know and I will do my very best to be here and ready to rock that cock.
New poll
Now with that said I am adding a new poll to this…..I want to know if you make appointment and if not why so be sure to vote!
[polldaddy poll=9751669]
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