Hey there everyone!!!! I wanted to write a quick blog about my fake commercial show last night on my weekly cock radio show kink korner. First of all I have to thank all of you for coming we had a huge crowd in the chat room!!! Second let me thank all of you who sent in a fake commercial they were so funny!
You can hear it here
Now for those of you who could not make it but want to find out what I am talking about check out the podcast here you can either download it or listen to it right on the web page! That is one of the coolest features of our podcast site! Never miss a show again!
Funny commercials
I have to say the creativity from everyone was awesome here is just a taste of what was sent in for commercials…we had the BBP wax dripping…the sissy slut…the fuckologist….the Monsters and myths….the sissy school….oh my goodness and so many more really you need to check them out! I did a few as well like the My butt plug and the wessy poo dildo holder hehehehe
Lets do it again!
I would love to do this type of show again in the future so if you have ideas for a fake commercial be sure to start taking notes now and when it rolls around again we will have some more awesome fun!!!
It was a wonderful show Goddess…..It’s always wonderful to hear your voice, especially after having a Hot call with you and Ms Piper earlier!! Thanks for Everything!
thank you princess