I was talking to someone the other day and for whatever reason the thought of masturbation planning has stuck with me. Who better to share these thoughts with than all of you.

Masturbation Planning

When I talk about masturbation planning I mean like actually thinking ahead and deciding I am going to masturbate on this day at this time. Perhaps your masturbation planning is part of an assignment, or orgasm denial or any number of things. But what I am really curious to know is have you ever planned your masturbation either on your own or with someone.

How to plan masturbation

There are a few things that come to mind when I think of masturbation planning. One is how you set aside time alone and freedom to masturbate without fear of being walked in on. So first thing you need to do is find the time. The next is what will you masturbate too? Porno? Erotic audios or writing? Or do you plan to masturbate with your Mistress on the phone?

Masturbation toys

So now you have planned out your masturbation with time and how you plan to get off. This is when you figure out if you want any toys. Things like a flesh light, a dildo or even a  nice ripe cantaloupe hehehe! Once you decide what you will use, how you will do it and when it is time you can  have some fun.

Masturbation Planning is complete

Now that your masturbation planning is complete all that’s left to do is sit back and enjoy a hot masturbation session either alone or with some masturbation guidance. You can do this in  the way of say ME or another Mistress ( cheesy plug). Masturbation planning is an interesting concept one I think I have done myself but without really realizing that is what I was doing. I know many of you who set up an appointment are planning to masturbate but it never occurred to me that it was indeed masturbation planning.

Do you plan your masturbation

So now this is where you get to tell me…. masturbation planning is it something you have done? Did you know or realize that’s what you were doing or now that I have pointed it out you are thinking oh yeah I have planned out my masturbation!

Masturbation Planning Mistress