It is here finally the best month of the year Masturbation May! A whole month dedicated to one of my all time favorite things Masturbation!! We are running a special throughout the month and it is called the Mistress Sampler and it will be an awesome way for you to try out more than one Mistress and get to know some sexy ladies.

What is a Mistress Sampler

The Mistress sampler will be just like a pass the penis call where you get the chance to be passed to other ladies…… get to speak with up to 4 ladies for 40 minutes total but you can break that 40 minutes up any way you like…..for this special only in Masturbation May there is no 10 minute minimum.

Here is an example : So pick your first lady and say you are not connecting after 5 minutes… can end the call and move to your second lady and say she is great and you want to spend 15 minutes with her….after her you can go to your third and fourth ladies for as long as you want with the rest of your time. *Please note your minutes must be used all at once*

Mistress sampler hours

these are the hours the special Mistress sampler will be running 4 ladies 40 minutes for 85$ which is a discount from the normal rate of 100.00



Celebrate Masturbation May

So here is your chance to start celebrating masturbation May in a BIG way enjoy the edging and stroking and orgasm delay that so many of you love. You can enjoy feminiziation and sissification durning Masturbation May and any other kink you can think of that gets you hot and bothered and ready for some masturbation fun. Take advantage of the Mistress Sampler and get to know ladies you never have spoken to before or reconnect with ones from your past again.

No matter what you do in May make sure you Masturbate Masturbate Masturbate!

masturbation may mistress constance