Yes I love the power I have over a mans cock and nothing gives me more power and excitement than long term orgasm denial and chastity. You can have one without the other or you can have them both!
How many I have denied in chastity
Right now I have 3 in chastity and as far as I am concerned they are both experiencing long term orgasm denial. One is just past 62 days locked in chastity and denied an orgasm. Another just passed 2 months and has till the end of the year before he gets a chance to cum. The third locked in chastity has at least a month before he can cum and has been locked up for 3 weeks now.
How many are denied
I probably have about 10 guys who are denied orgasms right now. They are not doing long term orgasm denial but, they are not allowed to cum when they feel like it. In fact they either are on a stroking schedule or simply not even allowed to touch their cocks without my permission. I always have to smile when I think of them, I mean what greater gift can you give someone than denial?
Long term orgasm denial is not for everyone
As I have said may times on this blog and just about everywhere, long term orgasm denial with or without chastity is NOT for everyone. In fact long term to some can be a matter of days…and for others the very thought of being denied more than a day sends them into freak out mode. Just because I love it so much does not mean that’s the ONLY thing that thrills me. So even if it is not for you I am sure there are things you do or can do to please me.
Have you enjoyed orgasm denial
I would love if you shared with everyone if you have enjoyed orgasm denial long term or not and how it made you feel when you heard her say NO you may NOT cum today!
I have truly enjoyed and relished every moment of being your chastity slave. The longer I am locke, the more i adore you (but not only for that) chastity and denial helps me to focus on pleasing my Goddess and makes me ever mindful of my place. I have been denied juts over 60 days now. While I’m sooooooo abadly looking forward to a some sweet chances to moan your name in orgasm Mistress……..I’m actually hoping the dice roll this week that will determine how many orgasms i get for the rest of the year….is a VERY LOW number!
I have enjoyed it just as much if not more mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm and the roll was a 5 for the rest of the year hehehehe
my longest denial was 260 days….those days were filled with excitement, frustration, and no idea if or when I would get released..I look forward to finding that special key holder who will take me to new adventures in long term orgasm denial..
that’s fucking awesome
It has been a total pleasure and super thrill to be denied by you. I have had a few weak moments when I wondered if I could endure even more tease and denial, but with your strength and encouragement we’ve managed to make it this far. I get such a rush and so lit up with desire when I read or hear you say “NO”. It’s a word that turns my fantasy into reality and project me down the path of being in your total control. I love the moments when you remind me of this power and I’m allowed to serve my Queen. Not knowing what you are going to decide and the decision to be totally yours, just pours gasoline onto the already burning desires I feel. I have never in my life been so horny and happy. You really are a great Mistress because you “get it” and you know exactly how to fuels you fire and press those buttons.
mmm thrill is all mine and I love keeping you guessing
Dear Empress Constance
my last orgasm is almost 28 day ago. 18 days of continuous lookup later i had to travel by plain for business reasons. my Keyholder was kind enough to let me out and She granted me 2 minutes of light strokes, no edges or the like in the morning and in the evening for each day I was away (3 days). The day i returned i went straight back into the cage. i don’t know how long She makes me wait but although i feel horny as hell i secretly wish that She keeps me suffering a lot longer. The moment She says “No you may NOT cum today” is mind blowing and it reinforces my submissiveness. i realize that i actually fear the release because it means that the hole process begins from scratch… but this time She most likely wants me to go longer and for me the beginning is the hardest part. Another reason why i fear the release is my own expectations. i expect my oh so long awaited orgasm to be mind shuttering… but what if it isn’t? What if She decides to ruin it for me?
wow way to go!!!! if she ruins it I guess you will just have to accept it and deal
Well, I’m currently in a category of “everything above” with the exception of chastity. I’m in denial for at least another 2 weeks, I’m not allowed to touch without your permission – except for my daily edging assignment.
Long term for me is around 10 days or more but I think that’s expanding a bit with you as this is my third time being in denial for longer than that. It’s scary and exciting at the same time, but deep down I think I prefer that we stay out of the “long term” category. I don’t know, though, I love letting you make that decision and I trust that you’ll make a decision that’s fun for everyone.
mmmmm till my birthday in fact and yes long term can mean hours for some and years for other…and honey I love making the decision
Ms Delia is going to put me in chastity. :(:0 she said my masturbation has got out of control and this needs to change. She is going to tell my head mistress Cindy & Audrey. They plan on keeping me dressed in women’s clothes and on hormones to keep girlish figure and fill my breasts. They want my breasts to d cup. I’ve never had women take control of me like this and hope they can give me release at some point. I don’t want then to dump me as nervous and scared I am it’s exciting that they own me and have kept me this way. Ms Cindy said no guy would ever let hot women dress then in a bra/panty put makeup/lipstick/perfume/lotion on them as well as let them throw away their boy clothes and make them wear dresses/leggings/yoga pants/ankle/knee high boots/heels but I did as they were to hot to say no to.
you are lucky to have Ms Delia lock you up she is amazing
Of course you know the answer is yes, I LOVE it and get soo excited when I hear you say NO, you can’t cum! There’s something about it that is intoxicating. I’m not a long, long-term type, the most I have ever gone being denied an orgasm is 30 days. I love that interim, two-to-four week denial; I’m not sure I could handle more. Two to four weeks is difficult enough; there are definitely weak and tough moments, but that’s the beauty of having a powerful yet sensitive mistress there to guide — and support when needed and tease and push when needed. I’m looking forward to the net time I can do it with you and Kaylee!
yes I sure do know the answer 🙂 30 days is a long ass time and hey we are looking forward to it too
Dear Mistress Constance,
I am VERY MUCH into orgasm denial, and I have learned not to ejaculate, when told, “Do NOT cum!” I do love to masturbate and have a quality masturbation time, where I have certain times allocated. I can’t say that I am into chastity, even if I go for a week without stroking, because I still need the pleasures of stroking, and, besides, my 8 in. penis is a muscle, which needs to be exercised. I have, though, learned to live with very long-term orgasm denial, and my last ejaculation was October, 2014. Since I am also a nudist, visiting nude beaches, resorts, and hot springs, I find it also to be a thrill having my balls filled with cum, while I am in the presence of the nude females in those places, and I am also eager to be a gentleman, as I meet other people. The bottom line is that I like it, when my cock is controlled by some of the dominant mistresses in my life.
yay I love orgasm denial holy wow 2014? way to go that’s amazing
Long term orgasm denial with chastity is a real challenge, but if it’s something that turns you on, it’s worth all the frustration, need, and inconveniences. It doesn’t hurt that the passing of control over to you is satisfying to me in a big way as well! And if and when I finally DO get unlocked, I’m sure that your control will not end just because the cage is off. 🙂
yes it is jem jem but one you have taken on for me on more than one occasion and you have never let me down