Hey there and welcome back to week 7 of my kinky confessions blog. This is your chance to share your kinky confession with me and my followers and get a little feed back from me on that confession. To submit your kinky confession use the link at the top of this blog page Kinky Confessions Here
Dear Mistress My Kinky Confession is :
My ‘penis’ is so small that even strippers find it amusing enough to joke about. Once while i was in Vegas at a bachelor party, as i was getting a lap dance, a hot Asian stripper started grabbing at my crotch. She acted as though she was searching for something. It took Her some time to find my erect penis. When she did, she delicately toyed with it’s tine head for a bit, with only two fingers. It was is if it was a curiosity to her….Finally, laughing at me as she commenting on my unworthy penis she joked “you must be Irish!” playing on an old stereotype of small Irishman…..i was humiliated in front of friends , but i never lost my erection!
My dear sweet delusional princess what you refer to as your penis is nothing more than a clit now… I recall you telling me this story when you returned from your trip and I laughed and laughed. I can only imagine the stripper searching for what she thought she would find in a big tall guy like you only to discover your tiny little clitty! I love that she laughed and called you out in front of your friends I know I probably would have done the same exact thing hahahaha.I also know that this experience you had and the recalling of it later has only turned you on more and reinforced your place with women. You are a sissy cuckold slut and I am certianly proud of that!
Dear Mistress My Kinky Confession Is :
I don’t know that this is a confession – though it is of sorts. I have long felt somewhat submissive towards females and I also have a sort of need or fetish – feels like more of a need to do chores for females and they are often chores that are “not normal” to do. In other words – that I do not think most guys would do. I do not know how I developed this exactly. It feels associated with being smaller endowed. Is this “a thing”. Is it my imagination or do small/tiny endowed guys develop this kind of need or thing? Is this common? Have you heard of it before….whatever it is.
Well Bill It is a thing where guys feel small and as a result submissive and want to be a bit of a domestic slave for a woman. Not all men however that have small dicks want to be submissive or do chores. With that being said I know those who are super small often feel just being anything to a woman including her chore bitch is better than having no place with a woman at all. I for one love guys like you who embrace the small side of their penis and are submissive and only wish to serve and please a woman.
There you have it another couple of kinky confessions…remember in order for me to keep this blog going and make it a weekly thing I need you all to send me those kinky confessions….even if I already know your kink lets share it with everyone….and hey nobody even needs to know it came from you I am only sharing as much as you send in.
Thanks for your comments And for reminding of my place. I had forgotten when the stripper incident happened I’d already found myself locked in chastity most days ,for at least a year or two. So, as Ms Piper was sayin in her recent post I’d already shrunk quite a bit… it is sobering to think that I’m even smaller today!