Happy Hump Day Everyone and welcome to week 3 of your kinky confessions sent in by YOU all my readers. Please remember just because I know your kink does not mean you cant send it in to me to be shared. Also Please keep your confessions to a paragraph or so (if you already sent in a long one no worries I will share it) With that said I want MORE Kinky Confessions and you should always give ME what I want! Use the link on my blog HERE or mail me Constance@Enchantrixempire.com
Dear Mistress my kink confession is:
Your smiles, your proudness of me your “Good boy”. I get giddy when we go on a two Mistress call and the other Mistress goes on and on on how much of well behaved pet you have. Or when the dispatchers tell you they smiled at my good manners and my sweet deeds. It may not seem like a “kink” but I get excited when you tell me I’m Your good boy.
This may not be your typical kink confession but it is one that brought a huge smile to my face. To think I get you excited and turned on and feeling naughty just because I praise you is awesome. Having dispatchers tell me what a sweet caller you are and how lucky I am makes my day ever single time! Keep being MY good boy and bringing me those smiles!!
Dear Mistress my kink confession is:
how much I enjoy when you get me thinking and exploring things that I’ve hinted at and the push and pull of me pretending to try and resist.. I like when things are just rolling along normally and you do some little thing that takes me back to that place that I might think I’m to old or incapable of experiencing any longer.. It reminds me that you’ll always have your way of bringing that out of me.. The thing is once you’ve introduced something to me, it never just goes away, it’s always in that little slutty part of my brain.. I love knowing you’ve put that little bug in me that’s with me..That thought is cum eating and all that cums with that.. for now;)
Mmmm after all these years I still can take you back to your kinky happy place with just a word or two and next thing you know you are craving it again. I also am so proud and thrilled you were once a non cum eater and now you are aching to eat that cum for me again! I love having the control over you and making you want things you never imagined….ya know like wearing panties hehehehe I mean come on you look adorable in them so why the fuck not heheheheh
Dear Mistress my kink confession is:
I promised my wife that I would no longer think about you and that you were in my past, but I’ve been keeping up to date with your blog posts for the past few years and your recent hiatus had me worried about you. I wanted to contact you to see if you were ok, but had no way to do so without my wife knowing. I love my wife with all my heart, but you played such a huge role in making me who I am today that I couldn’t just move on.
I can totally understand why your wife would want you to not think about me but I mean that’s pretty unrealistic of her considering the role I played in you two getting together. Although I think it is unrealistic of her I do side with her. You should be worshiping her as I taught you all those years ago and showing her the respect and devotion you showed me. With that said I am thrilled that you still keep tabs on me and have been concerned. I am okay I have been through a lot the last couple years with the last year being total hell but I am coming back and working my way back to my old self. Thank you for checking in on me for your concern and I think about you from time to time and wonder how you are so it is good to know you are well….do take care
Thank you for sending in your kink confessions and please remember if you sent one in and it has not been posted yet to not worry. I am posting them in the order I have received them and yours will be coming up in a future blog post.
Love these and i can related to many! Thanks for posting 🙂
Ms. Constance,
A three-fer for Week 3! I think your “good Boy” is selling himself short. Seems to me pleasing your Mistress to the point where others notice is certainly a kink. It’s always nice to know that our sub and slaves just can’t stop thinking about us and what we do with them, isn’t it?
Ms. Delia