So today I will share something I have been doing with a few people that I thought is a great and cool idea…a kink diary. What is this you ask? Well just as it says a diary of the kink they are doing or thinking about. A daily rundown of what happened kink wise that day or what didn’t happen as the case may be.

Dear kink diary

This can be just a few short lines about your thoughts about your kink, your outfit, your denial whatever it is kinky you are doing or thinking. You don’t have to make it time intensive and pour an hour into a simple note here or there and boom you have your kink diary going.

Sharing your kink diary

You can share this kink diary with whomever you like in one case I have someone sending me a weekly kink diary with each day’s entries. It can be fun to put your kinky thoughts and actions down on paper or well word doc LOL.

You will always have it

Think about how many times you wish you could remember details of something kink you did and the details escape you. Well by keeping a kink diary you will be able to relive and explore your kinky days and weeks by reading past entries.

Kink diary inspiration

You can use your past kink diary entries to inspire future kinky fun. Try to recreate a specific hot sexy kinky encounter. Or improve upon something kinky you did in the past and having the experience of doing it before makes it easier to expand upon.

Need help

Well, I can help you with your kink diary if you just don’t know where to start. Give me a call, and let’s start making your kink diary and capturing those exciting precious kinky moments for all of the time.

kink diary