Once again the amazing ladies on LDW/Enchantrix are treating our faithful followers to a fem dom party!! July 24th is International Fem Dom Day and we just could not let that pass without a celebration!! Just what will we be doing you ask? Well there will be 12 solid hours of LIVE Radio on cockradio featuring some of your favorite Cock Jocks!
Because this is a holiday celebrating femdom’s, we want you all to show your appreciation and adoration. Below are the details on how to do just that. There are 2 things we are asking of our faithful followers and submissive boy toys and girls…and for those tasks you will earn Enchantrix Empire points which can be used towards a free phone sex call.
Rules: You may only enter one submission for each category in the event: one audio and one blog post. When doing an audio it has to be between 1-3 minutes in length to qualify for the points and when submitting a blog it must be 250 words to qualify for the points. There now that I got that out of the way let me tell you what we want.
1} We want you to write a post 250 words minimum about what it means to have a femdom in your life or anything femdom related, perhaps your first experience with one….or what your fem dom means to you. Whatever you wish to share about your fem dom experience or perhaps even what you would like to experience in the future from your fem dom. You will earn 1000 enchantrix points for submitting an entry. These will be posted on the Enchantrix Empire and for my show I may even read some to the listeners during my live cockradio show.
2} Record an audio 1-3 minutes in length also sharing anything femdom related you want – your experience, your lack of experience, your expectations and general feelings about your fem dom or fem doms in general. This will be played during the cock radio 12 hour event by the Mistress you send your submission to. So if your not a shy boy or gurl this is a great way to earn 2000 empire points!!!
Come Celebrate with us from 12 noon est to 12 am est on July 24th! Below you will find the cock radio show schedule of which sexy fem dom mistress will be on the air live, and be sure to join us in our kinky adult chat room during the shows because as you all know that’s where all the action is!
Impress me boys and gurls. Show me how much you appreciate your femdom and lets make this a celebration to remember!!!
Cock Radio Schedule
MsSophia 12pm – 2pm
MsTia 2pm – 4pm
MsLauren 4pm – 6pm
MsConstance 6pm – 8pm
MsHunter 8pm – 10pm
MsSophia 10pm – 12am
Mistress Constance 1-800-601-6975
For an erotic phone sex session with Empress Constance, call 800-601-6975
Must be 18+ to call
Calls are $2.50 per minute with a 10 minute minimum
Discreetly billed to a major credit card
Want me fast? Try our click to call feature
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