HI Everyone! Happy Hump day!! Here is my weekly ask Mistress post with my thoughts and answers to your kinky questions! If you would like to submit a question to be answered in an upcoming post feel free to do so right here on my blog use my Ask Mistress tab
Dear Mistress:
I contacted you a while ago about feelings I was having regarding a friend who revealed herself to be transgender. I followed your advice and told her how I felt and she reciprocated and we started going out. Our relationship became sexual last month and since then I’ve noticed at times that I feel defensive about the fact that her penis is bigger than mine and I’ve occasionally let this color my actions when we’re together. I don’t like feeling this way, it’s not fair to her and I don’t believe it’s the type of person I am. Do you have any advice on how I can stop feeling this way before it sours our relationship?
Well I don’t recall all the details about this but all I can say is get over it! So what she is bigger than you…do you enjoy her company? Do you have great sex? If you answered yes to those then get over your own insecurities and feeling inadequate before you lose an awesome sexy fun partner.
Dear Mistress:
If I could travel economically to you, me kneel before your Imperial Presence, I prostrate before your actual feet, and would be slave / forever, even the smallest of your hair; Oh, His Divine Goddess. I have often imagined the girls, women, female beings (including gimbots, fembots, operated transgenders (on it) and / or natural, dolls, aliens, / s mean they have female form)) as all-powerful beings, even in the smallest of his hair. magical powers, extraordinary strength, invulnerability every imaginable and unimaginable powers. Capable of becoming gigantic, moving each and every one of his hairs to tie, protect and / or enslave all the infinite
I am confused is this a question?
Dear Mistress:
You said in this week’s answers that you may have had a hand in a client and his wife getting together. How did you help him and are you proud of it? Also why did he tell his wife? Surely there was a good chance she would have been hurt and left him.
Yes I did he was my client when he met her and he had been so nervous after a couple of dates he was sure he blew it in bed…I gave him some pointers in pleasing her which blew her away…..also he was submissive and she was not totally into being in charge I gave him tips on how to feed his submissive side without needing her to direct it. After some time she grew to love being in charge and took the reins so to speak. As far as why he told her well he wanted to go into his marriage 100% truthful and he told her before he got married so that he wouldn’t feel guilty and in fact we spoke for some time after he told her with her guidelines in place….yes he risked losing her but he also didn’t want to live with a secret or start a new marriage off with lies or anything…I actually admire how he handled it all
Dear Mistress:
Have you ever had to stifle laughter during a call so as not to hurt or offend a caller?
I would say yes…..I only want to hurt or humiliate a client who is seeking that so on occasion I may have to stifle a snicker because he is not into it but it is my natural reaction and hard to really control.
Dear Mistress:
Hi this is the bi-guy from about a year ago. As a late birthday present for my wife, my self and the gay friend from last time are going to put on a four man gangbang for her to watch with me as the slut. Two of the guys have participated in a gangbang before, so they’ll know what to do, but do you have any advice for me in this? Is there anything I can do as the slut to make sure it goes smoothly and entertainingly for my wife? I had the idea to get someone she could fuck while she watches but she’s never expressed an interest in fucking anyone other than me, despite her constant pleas for me to fuck other men.
HI Bi-guy welcome back! I think you should rest well eat very light and hydrate well before your fun with the fellas also bring lots of lube!!! As far as having someone your wife can fuck you can have them there but let it happen naturally and if she is turned on from the action of you getting banged well then she is woman enough to take what she wants hehehehe hey have fun be safe!
Dear Mistress:
Have you ever fallen asleep on top of a pile of sweaty, muscular guys? It’s something I experienced recently and it was one of the best nights sleep I’ve ever had, made even better when you wake up around noon because they’re pawing at your pussy and want another go.
In case you’re wondering, yes alcohol was involved:).
Hahahaha umm wow NO this has never happened!!! I have fallen asleep after great sex with a man only to wake up to him pawing at me which was hot but a group uhhh no and hahaha how did I know booze was involved hehehehe
Thanks for taking time to answer our questions…..I for one don’t mind a bit of laughter during a call…. It may be humbling, but heck, if a submissive is a bit laughable, then so be it. I feel like I should be thankful that whatever aspect of me as submissive (i.e. a tiny clitty in chastity) brings you joy or laughter. After all, at least this subbie lives to please you Goddess 🙂
cuckie you are easy and wonderful and I love to chuckle when we talk hehehehe
Ms. Constance, I have said it before and I’ll say it again….this is my favorite post you do! I mean, they are all good, but this specific one is always something I look forward to. Your advice is always spot on and I know your callers are lucky to have it. Love it!
I have said this before and I will say it again you are fucking smoking hot and I want to touch your boobies hehehe and thank you for the comment sexy