This is a story I sat down and wrote last weekend….I got so into my writing that it ended up being over 4000 words!! I decided to break it up and give you a new part of the story every day!!! So sit back enjoy because I know you will enjoy this espcially if you are a fan of the cuckold kink.
You saw me across the room you were distracted by the sparkle in my eyes and my radiant smile I noticed you right away and decided to find out more about this man staring at me.
I walk right up to you and introduce myself, you are shocked I am there holding out my hand and you begin to stutter and stammer as you say hello, I let out a little chuckle realizing your a bit awkward around me perhaps you never thought a woman who looked like me would have the time of day for you…..well I do but not in the way you might think. I think to myself if he only knew that I am a world class cukoldress he would freak out….but he will find out soon enough.
As I begin to exchange small talk with you I can see you shifting from foot to foot, sweat beginning to form on your forehead and a wicked smile forms on my face as I lean in to whisper into your ear… I make you nervous? You quickly say umm a little……I giggle and say good that is just what I wanted. I pull my lips from your ear and lightly lick them as I stare into your eyes….you see me glance down and I notice a small bulge in your pants and when I look back up at you your face has turned bright red and I let out a loud and say ohh men so predictable.
I ask you to meet me in the hallway and as I walk away and look over my shoulder your standing there near breathless but you follow trying not to draw attention to yourself……..when you reach the hall way I am standing there smiling and motion for you to come closer….and as soon as you are close enough I reach out and gab your bulge and begin to fondle you…..I hear a gasp and a moan escape your lips and I say in a stern voice…..don’t get to excited, from the feel of this little dick your’e not my type of man, and with that I let go of your cock and take a step back….your face looks as if you have just been punched in the stomach…I giggle and say come on did you really think you had a shot with me when from what I can tell you have all of 4 inches in your pants?? I let out another big laugh and you turn a even deeper shade of red. I start to walk past you and you say I will do anything you ask………I stop right there and turn around look you dead in the eyes and I say A N Y T H H I N G?
I am staring at you waiting for your reply when you finally mutter….at a chance to be with you yes I would do anything you asked of me…..I immediately say perfect then perhaps there is a place for you with me yet, now be a good cuck and fetch me a glass of wine. You scurry off to get me the wine the last 10 minutes running through your head…me touching you….me rejecting you because of your penis is small and you think is she for real??….I thought size didn’t matter? You get my glass of wine replaying the thought of what could anything mean to her? What could she possibly mean…I was thinking of buying her nice gifts and treating her well but the way she said A N Y T H I N G it sounds ominous…shit what have I gotten myself into?
Just as that thought came into your mind you look and see me across the room standing with a tall well built man slightly older than you are and you hesitate to bring me my wine…you think oh she already moved on but then you see me look at you and motion you over to us… you approach with the wine I say ohh good cuckie thank you so much…. taking the glass from your hand I introduce you to the man I have been speaking with as an very good friend of mine…you both shake hands and you feel in his shake just how strong he is. You start to walk away when I say ohh don’t go anywhere…stay here with us grasping you by your hand and pulling you beside me you stand still stunned at just what it is I could want with you.
You listen to me flirting with this other man and you are uncomfortable but you simply cant move it is like you are in shock you hear me telling him how the last time I saw him that I was un able to walk right for days after and how I cant wait to feel that again. You wonder what the hell is she talking about did he hurt me? Just as your mind is racing wondering what the fuck he did to me I touch your cheek and you jump startled bringing you back from all the thoughts in your head and I say….everything okay? You come back oh um Yeah sorry I was just thinking…..I interrupt that thought and say I need you to meet me up stairs….there is a guest bedroom at the end of the hall….bring a bottle of wine and be there in 5 minutes.
Be sure to check back tomorrow for part two of Cuckold by a Size Queen
Oh my Mistress, I can’t wait to hear more! I love where this is heading!
Thomas you are going to love this blog!!!! I know you will be waiting day after day for the next part hehehehe
God yes. Yes Constance A N Y T H I N G you want. This is incredible, I’m already a completely devoted puppy and you’ve only just started. You’re an amazing cuckoldress.
Why thanks kevin I wrote this blog with you in mind…well you and several cuckolds but the HUGE cock part is all you baby
You’re the BEST! It definitely had its intended effect. As soon as I saw “Constance” & “Size Queen” in my email box letting me know you had posted this update I immediately felt….well…you know how I felt better than I could ever articulate. I’m so glad you’re gonna twist the knife a little with this topic and I like DCmike’s comment about 50 Shades of Cuckold. Imagining you and him laughing about you being unable to walk, having you tell me to go get you some wine, knowing that I’ll do it….it’s all so perfect.
thats what I dig about you kevin you just know how to let a woman have the big cock she deserves!!!!
A very interesting start. I look forward to reading more.
forrest thanks I am about to post the next part 😉
And the pudgy begins, can’t wait to read and ache over this weeks story series.
heheheh wes you got a pudgy already??
Oh Ms. Constance, cuckolding is a long time fantasy of mine, one i hope to experience someday- i can’t wait to read the rest of Your story!
really jolene I had no idea….you will enjoy this blog then
Great start Mistress! Shaping up to be the next 50 Shades od Cuckold 😉
Cuck I kinda got the writing bug from reading that 🙂
Oh Gawd that was hot can’t say I never have thought about being a cuck but than You are the One that knows whats best for me
yes and whats best for you is to keep reading hehehehehe
EmpressConstance, I’ve really been enjoying this story though I guess I have to say I don’t think the main character is really a cuckold since he wasn’t in a relationship with you to begin with. More, he’ll become your submissive, one that won’t get to fuck you but one you have other plans for instead. I’ve always thought a cuckold as someone already in a relationship and the woman goes to another man for her satisfaction but that’s not the case here. My $0.02.
Thanks for that two cents magnus….I suppose I can see what you mean but a cuckold in my opinion does not have to be in a relationship previous to the cuckolding…the whole idea behind this story is this guy BECOMES a cuckold for her……this is how it gets started in my mind how they meet how she makes him her cuckold and in my head it is just the beginning…………I imagine this as just the start 🙂
Love the way You have started this story Empress Constance; i feel that more ladies need to consider cuckolding their husband or boyfriend regardless of his size.
thank you for the comments on all of them and for reading it you must enjoy the cuckolding thing huh hehehe