Today is a day to give thanks for many things. I would like to take this moment to thank all of you, my faithful readers, callers, and followers. You all have been such a blessing in my life and it goes beyond the calls and the fact I earn a living doing this amazing work. You all are some of the most generous, supportive, loving people I have been fortunate to get to know….so this year, I am Thankful for all of you!

As with tradition, I have created my 2016 Thanksgiving Day silly poem for you all to enjoy. Keep in mind, it is silly and not meant to be picked apart or analyzed in any way….just a fun little thing I enjoy doing during the holidays. I hope you all get a chuckle out of it because I sure got one when I made it.

To you and all of yours, I hope you have the best Thanksgiving ever and remember to never take life or those you love for granted and to be thankful for everyone in your life.

Gobble Gobble Gobble! Happy Turkey Day Everyone…and be sure to check back here tomorrow for a very special cock teasing Christmas deal!

turkey day