I said Happy New you not New Year and that is because I have a challenge for all of you in this new year! I want you to challenge yourself to try something new. I want you to resolve to be the best you that you can be in 2019. I want you to let go of the hang ups and the past issues you have faced and focus on moving forward and the positive things you can do in your life.

This is not just sex and kink this is in all things. If you are unhappy with who or what you are then change that! If you want to embrace your authentic self then do just that! Lets move into the New Year with a smile on our faces and love in our hearts. Lets stop getting angry over the small things because in the end you will never even be able to remember what you were mad about.

We only have one life and it is up to us to make it the best life we can. I realize that not every day is filled with kinky fun and sunshine and happiness but lets challenge ourselves to make a point of the bad things being fewer and far between and let the fun and happiness be the focus of the year.

I want to reconnect with those who have slipped away. I want to focus on the fun and good in each of my days! I want to laugh and live and be a better version of me…and I hope you all will join me on the ride and embrace a better happier life.

Happy New Year Everyone!