Hi there everyone! I hope this finds you all well and ready to get over the hump of the week! Here is my weekly ask Mistress post I still need more sent in to keep this regular blog post going, but I would like to remind you all that long statements and too much back ground information is not needed getting to the point and asking your question is best for me. To send in your question use the Ask Mistress Constance tab right here on my blog
Dear Mistress:
I’m 32 married to a beautiful woman (30). My wife is very sexual, but has been pretty vanilla. I have tried several different things for her to try, but she is not interested or she hides it really well. I have asked about chastity, cuckolding, but have not brought up sissy desires due to her religious background. How can I get my wife to explore any or all of these?
You can’t make her do it if her heart is not in it and you also wouldn’t want her to do it is she was not into it. Perhaps show her some magazines on topics you like or websites /pornos on kinks you enjoy and feel her out that way. The bottom line is if she is not into it or refuses to even try it there is not much you can do.
I should note that I do want to be a sissy and although I don’t have the sexy sissy body, I qualify to be one and not a real man since I am small where it matters. My wife says it’s fine and recently I asked how big she thought I was. She said 6″ and I laughed and told her I was really 4.5. She has a large dildo and vibrating bullet that she loves and moans every time but never with me unless she stimulates her clit. Do you have any advice?
You didn’t really ask a question you told me how your wife says your member is fine although it is below average and clearly not pleasing to her. What type of advice is it you are seeking?
Dear Mistress:
If one or more women are joking around about either their admiration for well hung men and/or their annoyance with tiny guys and the guy in the room is super quiet – do you think they notice? Is it obvious if a guy cannot joke along?
Yes I think they notice and I am sure once said guy is out of the room they probably giggle about him not saying anything and chalk it up to him being tiny…because if said guy was large he would have said something for sure.
Dear Mistress:
How do you think a live-in submissive should honor his mistress’s memory after she’d passed on and left him alone in the world
I think by keeping her in your heart and your thoughts and perhaps continuing on with what you were doing seeking out a new Mistress to continue her fine work. Nobody can ever replace her or be her but her memory will live on through your submission.
 Dear Mistress:
What first attracted you to LDW?
I was first told about ldw via a client from my other service he thought I would be perfect here and he also raved about what a great company it was. Once I filled out my application and talked to the ladies I knew this was where I belonged that it was well run…the ladies were well respected and I have never looked back
Dear Mistress:
I was wondering if you could explain to me how did you become so amazingly beautiful and perfect. It dumbfounds me how you are so wonderful to so many and still able to treat us all individually like you do. On behalf of myself and I’m sure others Thank you. Thank You!
Awww what a sweet thing to say thank you so much. I am by no means perfect I think everyone knows this by now and I don’t even pretend to be. As far as how can I make all of you feel so special it is easy because it is real and each and every one I speak to is special in their own way. You are all unique even if you have similar tastes and all very special to me. Thank you sweetie!
You are Perfect to me!!
aww ty my pet
Well this week, I got a hit off of the entry by the person who said s/he doesn’t really have a sissy-type body. I say, you don’t have to be skinny and spindly to be a sissy. Some of My favorite sissy strap-on humps are quite beefy indeed! In fact, since they’re into the humiliation aspects of it, and so am I, I love denuding them of all their body hair, dressing their plump frames in frills, and then straddling their big ol’ asses and pounding away! *giggle*
Ms Rachel I love you
We should all give a big thank you to your client who referred you to LDW.
why thank you spotty
Great commments! I know i don’t pass as a sissy, but i am told i have a woman’s butt! So I go with what works!!! And yes, That guy was right….You are perfect Goddess!
you do have a womans ass so fucking hot in panties
Personally, I’d rather not be a skinny and spindly sissy. I would prefer to have curves! So how cum princess can have a woman’s butt and I can’t? boo hoo hoo! I’m kidding, I’m OK, the goal of the Ms Constance Weight Loss Program is “be fit but not spindly”. 🙂 And as far as perfection goes, I’m agreeing with bumkin and princess here!
aww ty jemmie and yes you look good how you are healthy fit and not too skinny now if we can just get those BIG BIMBO tits
I don’t know if this is a “thing” or my imagination but I feel like in college girls would or could find out how big you were by talking about size or discussing it out loud with other girls and seeing what kind of reaction you had. I think big or even average guys joke or brag and stuff like that. I think little guys “get quiet”. It is hard to do anything else. I think that exposes you then to girls? But it is impossible to hide it or “fake” a proud reaction.