Halloween season is upon us and this is a perfect time for all cross dressing men and sissy girls and hell anyone who is into feminization to be dressed and in public without fear!
Dress how you feel
This is your time to shine ladies you get to dress in any feminine clothing you like from head to toe staring with your hair right down to your pretty painted toes in some sexy heels. You do not need to worry about people thinking your are a freak or anything because guess what many men all over the country will be dressing in drag and you will not stick out and this is your chance to dress on the outside how you feel on the inside!
Perfect excuse to be femme
Yes it is the perfect excuse for you to be feminine out in public nobody needs to know this is how you feel or that you secretly dress in women’s things all the time in private. Go to the food store go to the gas station go to the mall even and all you have to say if questioned is I am headed to a party and this is my costume….while on the inside you are bursting with happiness to be out in your sexy feminine clothing and enjoying what it truly feels like to be a woman.
Not just Halloween night
Remember the few weekends leading up to Halloween are when everyone has parties so use that to your advantage and dress every weekend and go out! No need to do it just Halloween weekend why not get some extra public cross dressing in while you can. I am happy to help you get ready and even give you suggestions on places to go while dressed in women’s things so don’t hesitate to hit me up or give me a call!
Happy Halloween Girls enjoy!
Hah! Halloween is the perfect opportunity for the closet femme boys to rock it loud and proud. I have one gentleman in particular who looks forward to Halloween every year. He and his girlfriend plan his outfit weeks before the big day. He’s thin and short enough to “pass,” and so (s)he has such great fun flirting with all of the men at the parties!
I love that he and his girlfriend pick out the outfit and enjoy it every year this is so friggen awesome let those cross dressers and sissy girls explore their feminine side
Oh I KNOW! I actually just heard from him two days ago and he’s already planning his parties.
He did confess to me, however, that he enjoys the male attention when he’s dressed so prettily. I think that’s so naughty–to be flirting with men when you’re dressed in drag. I suppose all men should be warned that there are woMEN out and about on Halloween that may not be as they seem!
that’s friggen awesome you will have to let us know how it goes
You are so right about Halloween….what a great excuse to dress up, and no one bats an eye! For the sissies and crossdressers that have been nervous about going out in public, this October is the perfect chance to ease into things. And who says that Halloween has to be the end? After a month of being ‘in the spirit’ of Halloween, I bet they’ll have more courage for being in public. Great post, Miss Constance! I’ll be telling my ladies, too!
yesyes yes no need to be nervous during Halloween season because this is the time for you to let your freak flags fly and not give a care in the world about who sees you 🙂
One of the other things to consider ~ it’s the perfect time for anyone who might normally be afraid to go into certain stores, be it cosmetics, lingerie, shoes, you name it ~ there is a perfectly acceptable excuse. Anyone, even if they have been too afraid to order online can feel confident walking in and making any purchase they want. If asked ~ it’s for my costume!!!
yes indeed this is the time to shop with the perfect excuse for why you would be buying such femme things you simply tell them that it is for a costume this is great!
I’ve got my orange panties ready! Any other ideas for me Mistress?
orange panties chastity device and perhaps nothingelse hehehehe you can go as my denied locked up cuckie
Kinda got out of dressing up haven’t done it for awhile
well this year you shall 🙂
I’ve been out dressed in public before, not on Halloween tho. I was going to one year, but I simply could not wait. So I did it on April Fool’s day. I slipped on a short, skimpy bell sleeved dress and a pair of silver, open toe, four inch high heels. After doing my hair and makeup, I drove into town, and stopped ata cconvienience store where a sexy ex girlfriend of mine was working. I got out of my truck like a woman would, walked into that store with my heels clicking. I stood in front of her looking down as she was stocking snack chips. She looked up at me, then she stood up with her long legs to walk behind the counter. She smiled at me and said ” I see you found you some heels.” I giggled and ordered a can of tobacco to chew. She acted like it wouldn’t scan just so I could be in the store longer. As I walked out, she sais she liked my dress and that I had the legs for it. Ahhhhhh.
Michelle I love this story about dressing in public and I love how you couldn’t wait for Halloween so did it on april fools day and of course I think the store clerk must be like a soul sista or something because I would have done the same thing love it!!!
Nice. She’s my ex and deep down she is kinky and would make a fantastic mistress. She’s brainwashed into the mainstream tho and it holds her back from success.
very lucky you are !