It is that time of the week where I share all your awesome kinky questions and my answers/advice for them. If you would like to submit your own kinky or even non kinky question please feel free to use my Ask Mistress Tab right here on my blog. You will see your question answered in a future blog post.
Dear Mistress:
My husband is a wonderful man and an excellent provider but has quite a small penis. I love when he performs oral sex on me and I pretend to have fun when he penetrates me, but I miss the way a large penis feels inside me. We’ve tried hollow strapons but it just doesn’t feel the same. Can you give me any advice on how I can bring up the possibility of having another man fulfill this duty without hurting my husband’s feelings?
I am not sure there is a way to bring this up without him feeling a little hurt. Clearly he knows that you are not satisfied penis wise because of the things you have already tried. So my advice to you is the same advice I would give a husband who wants to be a cuckold for their wife. Be honest as to just what you are looking for, assure him that this in no way would hurt the bond you two have and that being his wife is more than his penis size and that you love him. Make him feel secure and know that you are not going to leave him for any other. Perhaps sleeping with random strangers never the same guy twice rule is a good one. Good luck and do let us know how it goes.
Dear Mistress:
Last night my girlfriend made me kneel in front of her naked lover and explain in excruciating detail all the ways he is superior to me before he fucked her. It was the most humiliating/arousing thing I’ve ever done in my life.
My question is what is the most humiliating thing you have ever gotten a man to do or done to a man?
It does not matter what I have done that I think is humiliating because it is up to the person being humiliated to decide if they are indeed humiliated…does that make sense.? With that said I have made a man beg to suck a cock, made a man beg to put on panties for another man, made a man chant I am a pussy and can’t satisfy a pussy so I need a real man to do it while I got fucked. Made a guy lick another man’s ass, made a guy beg for a load of cum to be shot on his face……lol it is endless but as I said one might be super humiliating for one guy but hey that’s cool for another.
Dear Mistress:
Have you ever had sex in order to get something other than an orgasm?
Sure like my way hahahahahaha Sex is a powerful tool to hold over someone and get what you want so sure I have used it…..just the promise of sex has gotten me some nice things…did they ever get any? NOPE hahahaha
Dear Mistress:
As you know as a cuckold slut i regularly either eat my own or eat real man cum from pussy, with all the cum I have been eating lately i am worried it will be smelt on my breath and i will be found out by people who do not need to know.
Plus what Goddess will kiss me with cum breath.
What advice would you about making sure this does not happen?
I strive to make cum eaters have cum breath so my advice you cuckold cum eating little slut is to wear that cum breath like a badge of honor and hahahahaha at what goddess will kiss you….uhh NONE cum breath or not…but that’s not to say I won’t snowball you with a mouth full of cum hehehehe
Hey Constance, that’s a dandy question and answer blog. I look forward to this. Partly because they’re interesting questions and I like your no bullshit answers. BUT, the main reason is you are one of the rare writers who writes EXACTLY in your own voice! I can hear you say that and I always smile. I especially loved you pointing out the nuances of humiliation. Some people get very triggered with something — words or actions. Sometimes it’s a good trigger and sometimes it’s a not so good trigger. The WORD hasn’t changed. Take cock sucker as an example. Some people find that offensive. Others find it a badge of honor. De Gustibus non es Disputandum …. loosely translated, in matters of taste the opinion of another doesn’t fucking matter. Okay, that was a VERY loose translation. I suspect the spelling is a little loose as well. HUGS!
hahaha I love that you know me so well you can hear my voice come through in my writing……… I am not the best with grammar and spelling and things like that but one thing I am good at is being real and jumping off the page lol @ doesn’t fucking matter I can hear you saying that!!!
Great answers Mistress! Especially to the humiliation question … And you’re right to ask, is it humiliating if you like it? …. I’d say it still is a little 🙂
thanks cuck and yes I get ya about is it humiliation if you like it………..but again what is humiliating for one is a joke for others so humiliation is in the eye of the beholder kinda sorta LOL
Like Olivia, I also look forward to these wonderful questions and great answers! You are always spot on! I think my favorite Q&A in this bunch was the first. I had never thought of a woman feeling conflicted about bringing up cuckolding to her husband. Usually it is the conflicted cuck wanna be! But this was eye opening and great!! 🙂
I love that you dig this blog delia thanks for dropping by you sexy thang