First let me say this is not…. NOT a blog about me wanting you all to send me gifts. Instead this is a blog for all of those who have sent me gifts…..first of all Thank YOU! I appreciate each and every gift small or large. I so appreciate the thought and the effort put into getting me gifts even if they are something I chose and put on my wish list. However lots of gifts arrive with no sender information on them….this is why I am writing this blog

Have you sent me a gift?

If you are someone who has sent me a gift and has not gotten a personal thank you form me please let me know. I don’t know what is coming or when I just check mail and waalaaa a gift is there. Like I mentioned above sometimes they come without a name attached. In these instances I typically send out a tweet saying I got XYZ if you sent it to me please hit me up so I can thank you. It occurred to me that perhaps some of you who may send me a gift do not have twitter or see my tweets so please if you sent me something and did not get a thank you let me know.

Latest gifts I have no idea who sent them

I just recently got a great t-shirt the evolution of man black as well as a purse sized bottle of my favorite perfume! I would love to be able to thank the gift giver personally so I hope you see this and drop me a note.

Gift giving process

As many of you know gifts sent to us are sent through our home office up north….due to this it takes a bit of time for us to get our gifts. So if you send me something and you see it arrived at the address give it 2-3 weeks from that point  to hear from me. It takes a bit of time for the to process it and re ship it directly to me. If you have not gotten a thank you in that time frame hit me up let me know you sent something and I can check on it and more importantly be on the look out for it.

Thank You

Once again I want to thank each and every one of you for your kind, generous and oh so thoughtful gifts you will never know how much I appreciate and welcome those tokens of affection and it is for sure to put a much needed smile on my face.