Well another week has passed and more great questions for me have been rolling in….keep it up!!! If you have a question for me feel free to ask me right here on my blog tab Ask Ms Constance
Dear Mistress:
Have you ever had a Brazilian wax? Why or why not?
Yes once because it was all the rage would I ever do it again fuck no that hurts and I simply do not care for the bare look
Dear Mistress:
If money were no object, what is a “dream car” that you would you buy?
A Mercedes-AMG GTS man that would be fun to drive!
Dear Mistress:
Have you ever eaten cum out of a woman’s pussy or had a woman eat cum out of your pussy?
NO I have never eaten cum out of a woman’s pussy but I have had cum licked out of mine…..and yes I have licked a woman’s pussy before and I liked it!!!
Dear Mistress:
Do you like giving your male partners blowjobs? If so, do you swallow their cum or spit it out?
Yes I love oral sex and for those men who I enjoy sexually as an equal I am very fond of sucking their cocks….and sweetie I practice what I preach I swallow!
Dear Mistress:
If you could lick a naked person of your choice from head to toe, who would it be? Besides Cannibal of course…. jemmie
Gaaaaaaaaaaa cannibal now I feel sick! Okay any person I wanted hmmmmmm I will go with Ms Kaylee or Ms Hunter ohh wait I have licked hunter so yeah Ms. Kaylee hehehehe
Dear Mistress:
I know You must work out a lot to keep Your body in such great shape-especially that spectacular ass! When You are in the locker room at the gym do You like to “strut Your stuff” so the other ladies can check You out or do You deny them and keep Your assets under wraps? Sissy Chrissy
I do work out but I no longer belong to a gym I use the facilities where I live…but when I did go to the gym I did not shower or anything there because I lived so close……and I have also seen some things in that locker room you just cant un-see like an 80 yr old woman naked ummm need I say more!
Dear Mistress:
How important is it that your bra and panties match? For example, will you wear a yellow bra with pink panties, or do they have to coordinate in some manner? Puppet
Not super important really but I would never do a yellow bra with pink panties unless the panties had some sort of yellow in them….I don’t need matching sets but I am also not dressing for clown college hahahaha
My Queen,
If You were walking through Wal-Mart and You recognized a long time client (purely accidental, chance circumstance) would You walk the other way and avoid them? Greet them? Or ignore them and hope a meeting doesn’t come up? Bumkin
Well if they didn’t see me I would turn and walk away and unless they approached me I would not say anything, and if they did say hello I would politely say hello and then go the other way….probably while looking over my shoulder LOL
There you have your phone sex Mistress has answered sexual and non sexual question that you all were wanting to know the answers too………..check back next week for another answers blog and remember if you do not see your question here it will be posted and replied to in the order it was sent in 🙂
Ms Constance ~ Thank you for sharing this! I love Q & A. Gives insight to you other than the usual. I have to agree with you one the gym. I never shower shower at mine because you are right ~ somethings you just simply can’t be unseen. However, I’m a fan of waxing, so even if you don’t care for total bare, maybe consider trying again, it’s gets better with each one. The first time is the worst. Thank you again for this little peek into you!
hey sexy thank! I am glad you feel me on the whole gym thing hehehehe and I have done the waxing thing on a couple of occasions and I simply am not a fan I will stay with my razor hehehehehe
I am loving these weekly posts, Ms Constance! Not only insightful for your fans, but quite interesting to see what they ask you. Some…down right funny, ~Laughs~
Agree with Ms Kay and you…no thanks on the gym! I have also seen things that simply scared me for life, lol. BUT most importantly, yay! You will lick my naked body from head to toe, and I will absolutely return the favor. Owwwwwwwww!!
thanks Ms K and I love you stopping by to check them out lol it would be great if at the gym everyone looked like you and I but not the case at all so I will stay out of the locker room for sure!!!!!
I agree with Kaylee. The questions are most interesting in their variety and I really like reading the answers. Unfortunately I have no choice; due to my schedule I have to shower at the gym, and what you say is so true on the male side as well! Some things should never be seen. So to the old fat guy at my gym: close the damn curtain when you shower!
I have found them very interesting and I am enjoying answering them I have a ton more to answer yet so keep checking back every week and yeah close the effing curtains guys
Ms Constance, even if you don’t go for the bare look, please don’t ever go for the bookie-look.
jem jem you NEVER have to worry about that my pussy lips are bare and smooth and never ever will I have dreadlocks like the bookster